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时间:2004/11/7 3:01:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)






1、 Chart Activex控件

In the HTML page, insert an tag for the License Manager object before any other tags. The License Manager is an ActiveX control that is installed with Internet Explorer.

NOTE: This CLASSID, "5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331", is for the License Manager and not for your ActiveX controls. You must use the same CLASSID every time you refer to the LPK file. In addition, you should keep the Name property of the tag as "LPKPath", and set the Value property for the tag of the License Manager object to the LPK file name and path. This path may be a relative path but must not refer to a UNC share or a URL on another domain.

Because you can only have one LPK file for each HTML page, make sure that you include all of the licensed ActiveX Controls for the page when you generate your LPK file. For example:



Insert the tag for your licensed control afterward. For example, an HTML page that displays the Microsoft Masked Edit control looks like this.

Here  I downloaded the file mschart.cab from Microsoft's website.  It has been digitally signed.

id=mschart1 style="HEIGHT: 326px; WIDTH: 651px" CODEBASE="mschart.cab">

You can look this acticle if you need help.


2、 Mschart组件的一些常用属性介绍











d、Columncount: The number of data columns

e、Rowcount:The number of data rows

f、Footnotetext:The footnote text.

g、Plot: Returns a reference to a Plot object that describes the area upon which a chart is displayed.

h、row: A row number in the current column. Rows are numbered from top to bottom beginning with 1. column: The current data column.

i、Rowlabel: The text for a row label. The label you specify sets the label for the data points identified by the Row property. This label appears along the category axis for most chart types and is used as the label for each individual pie in a pie chart. Label text may not be displayed if it is too long to fit on a chart.columnlabel: . Label text associated with a column in the data grid.

j、Data: The data point value. If the current data point already contains a value, it is replaced by the new value. The chart is redrawn to reflect the new value for the current data point.

k、ChartData: A two-dimensional array that holds the data used to draw the chart. If the first series of a multi-dimensional array contains strings, those strings will become the labels of the chart.ChartData is the default property for the MSChart control.

It is so many properities about Mschart Activex.I only introduce so much.Now,I will provide your two example to you!I wish it can help you understand it.

Example 1:It come from:




id=mschart1 style="HEIGHT: 326px; WIDTH: 651px" CODEBASE="mschart.cab">

Example 2:We almost can see it everywhere.




id=mschart1 style="HEIGHT: 326px; WIDTH: 651px" CODEBASE="mschart.cab">


chtitle    标题

rcount    列数

ccount    行数

rc_type 排列方式(1 以行方式,2以列方式)

rc_data 数据

rname    列名数组

cname    行名数组>

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