Introduction To Application Programming With SMS
Microsoft Corporation
October 2002
Applies to:
Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition
Microsoft® eMbedded Visual Tools
Summary: Learn how to Send SMS messages from your eMbedded Visual Basic applications. Take advantage of Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition's robust support for SMS (Short Message Service) when you build your applications.
概要:学习如何使用你的eMbedded Visual Basic应用程序发送SMS消息。当你创建程序时,需要得到Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition 对SMS(短消息服务)的充分支持。
Download the introapp.exe from the MSDN Code Center.
SMS and Pocket PC Phone Edition
SMS-Enabled Applications
Sending SMS Sample
Code Walkthrough
SMS and Pocket PC Phone Edition
SMS和Pocket PC Phone版本
Short Message Service is a standard for sending short alpha-numeric messages (max 160 characters) between mobile phones in Global System for Mobile Communications networks (GSM). It works much like paging, but with text, and most phones today have support for SMS.
Short Message Service是通过Mobile Communications networks (GSM)的全球系统在移动电话间发送short alpha-numeric messages(最多160字符)的标准。它像寻呼机一样工作,只是用于文本格式,现在的大多数电话都支持SMS。
A key aspect of SMS is that messages are sent through the mobile network operator's network instantly, without the need to manually connect to an Internet Service Provider—SMS messages are instantly delivered while e-mails need to be retrieved from a mail server by the receiver. Also, if the receiver is not online—if the phone is turned off—the SMS message is stored at the operator and forwarded when the phone is turned back on.
SMS的一个关键特点是,通过无线网络服务器的网络立即发送,不需要手动连接到Internet Service Provider—SMS消息是立即发送,而e-mails需要通过接收器从邮件服务器上接收。同样,如果接收器没有在线—如果电话关闭—SMS消息被储存在服务器中,当电话打开时再转发。
On Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition devices, you can manage SMS messages much in the same way that you manage e-mail messages. The SMS Messaging component is integrated with the standard Inbox application, allowing you to send and receive messages in the same way you send and receive e-mails. You can even forward and reply to e-mails as SMS messages, and vice versa.
在Pocket PC 2002 的电话版设备上,你可以和管理e-mail消息一样来管理SMS消息。SMS消息组件是一个完整的标准收件箱应用程序,允许你像收发电子邮件一样,收发SMS消息。你也可以转发和回复SMS消息,像电子邮件一样。
SMS-Enabled Applications
SMS-Enabled 应用程序
Many business scenarios involve notifications of some sort, and SMS is a great way to implement notifications for a variety of business events. It could be a salesman that notifies a service engineer of a customer in need of service, a service engineer notifying an executive of an important business event at the customer, or an executive informing all staff related to the customer about new customer handling routines.
Another interesting use of SMS is to enable mobile commerce (m-commerce), as SMS is often used for handling payment transactions. To get you started, we will show you how to send SMS messages from your Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition device in the following example.
SMS另一个有趣的应用是能够进行移动商务(m-commerce),SMS经常被用来办理付款事物。我们将通过下面的例子,演示如何从你的Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition设备中发送SMS消息。
Sending SMS Sample
A simple form using Microsoft® eMbedded Visual Basic®:
这个例子使用Microsoft® eMbedded Visual Basic® 编写:
Figure 1. SMS Sample application
In this form, you can enter an international mobile phone number and a text message. When you hit the Send button, the message is sent—as simple as that!
Code Walkthrough
Let's look at the core of the code for sending SMS messages. First of all, you need to declare a number of Microsoft Windows® APIs:
让我们来看发送SMS消息代码的核心部分。首先,你需要声明一系列的Microsoft Windows® APIs:
· One for opening the SMS Messaging component
· One for sending SMS messages
· And one for closing the SMS Messaging component:
· 一个函数是打开SMS消息组件
· 一个函数是发送SMS消息
· 另一个函数是关闭SMS消息组件
· Public Declare Function SmsOpen Lib "SMS" (ByVal ptsMessageProtocol
· As String, ByVal dwMessageModes As Long, ByRef psmshHandle As
· Long, ByRef phMessageAvailableEvent As Long) As Long
· Public Declare Function SmsSendMessage Lib "SMS" (ByVal smshHandle
· As Long, ByVal psmsaSMSCAddress As Long, ByVal
· psmsaDestinationAddress As String, ByVal pstValidityPeriod As
· Long, ByVal pbData As String, ByVal dwDataSize As Long, ByVal
· pbProviderSpecificData As String, ByVal dwProviderSpecificDataSize
· As Long, ByVal smsdeDataEncoding As Long, ByVal dwOptions As Long,
· ByRef psmsmidMessageID As Long) As Long
· Public Declare Function SmsClose Lib "SMS" (ByVal smshHandle As
· Long) As Long
You also need some API constants declared for the different APIs:
Public Const SMS_MSGTYPE_TEXT = "Microsoft Text SMS Protocol"
Public Const SMS_MODE_SEND = 2 ' Open in send mode
Public Const SMSDE_GSM = 1 ' Use standard GSM
Public Const SMSAT_INTERNATIONAL = 1 ' International number
Public Const PS_MESSAGE_OPTION_NONE = 0 ' No message options
Public Const PS_MESSAGE_CLASS0 = 0 ' Send immediately
Public Const PSRO_NONE = 0 ' No replacements
Public Const SMS_OPTION_DELIVERY_NONE = 0 ' No delivery options
The following is the complete code to send an SMS message:
Public Sub SendSMS(ByVal Number As String, ByVal Message As String)
Dim SMSHandle As Long
Dim SMSEvent As Long
Dim SMSAddress As String
Dim SMSProvider As String
' Open SMS Messaging Component
' Set Address structure (UDT as string)
SMSAddress = LongToBytes(SMSAT_INTERNATIONAL) & Number
' Set Provider structure (UDT as string)
SMSProvider = LongToBytes(PS_MESSAGE_OPTION_NONE) & _
LongToBytes(PS_MESSAGE_CLASS0) & _
' Send message
If 0 = SmsSendMessage(SMSHandle, 0, SMSAddress, 0, Message, _
LenB(Message), SMSProvider, 12, SMSDE_GSM, _
MsgBox "Message sent!", vbInformation, App.Title
MsgBox "Could not send message!", vbCritical, App.Title
End If
' Close SMS Messaging Component
Call SmsClose(SMSHandle)
End Sub
First, the SMS Messaging component is opened (SmsOpen) and its handle is stored (SMSHandle). This handle is needed to call other SMS APIs.
首先,SMS消息组件要被打开(SmsOpen),并且它的句柄被储存(SMSHandle)。调用其他的SMS API需要使用这个句柄。
A number of structures or UDTs (User Defined Types) need to be prepared for thecall to SmsSendMessage. Since eMbedded Visual Basic lacks support for UDTs, simple strings are used to emulate a structure.
SmsSendMessage调用的结构的成员和UDTs(用户定义类型)需要被初始化,因为eMbedded Visual Basic不支持UDTs,简单的字符串被用来模仿一个结构。
The first is a structure containing the address of the SMS message. The address structure contains an indicator of what kind of number is supplied (in this case an international number) and the number itself.
The next structure contains various options regarding the service provider. The first part of the structure indicates that no special options are selected, and the second part indicates that the message should be sent immediately.
The last part states that no replacement should be made.
In the call to send the message (SmsSendMessage), the prepared structures are supplied, the message text and a number of options. Finally, the handle is closed (SmsClose).
For a complete example, see this article's sample code. Also, you can read more about this technique in Antonio Paneiro's article, UDTs (User Defined Types) with VBCE.
完整的示例请看文章的示例代码。同样,你可以在Antonio Paneiro的文章中得到更多关于这项技术的知识,UDTs (User Defined Types) with VBCE.
SMS is great for small and instant text notifications. And with the support in Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition, you will be able to make your applications "SMS aware." With the sample code from this example, you have most of what you need to get going. If you accept that the mobile world, in terms of communication mechanisms and protocols, is more about "both/and" rather than "or/else," you pragmatically can use each option when suitable.SMS对于短小的直接的文本通知来说是非常好的。在Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition的支持下,你可以创建你的应用程序"SMS aware"。通过和示例相同的代码,你可以得到更多你需要的。如果你接受移动世界,根据通讯机制和协议,"both/and"优于"or/else",你可以根据情况使用合适的选项。
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