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时间:2004/11/7 4:10:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

really really slow by nature. This sample code uses classes to speed up the process by ten times. Someone recentally came up with a DLL to do this but not all of us can install a DLL on our ISP's web servers so I wrote this easy to use VB Class for handling string concatenation.


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    ' Name: StrCat - Non DLL version

    ' Description:ASP's ability to concatena

    '     ting many strings together is really rea

    '     lly slow by nature. This sample code use

    '     s classes to speed up the process by ten

    '     times. Someone recentally came up with a

    '     DLL to do this but not all of us can ins

    '     tall a DLL on our ISP's web servers so I

    '     wrote this easy to use VB Class for hand

    '     ling string concatenation.

    ' By: Kevin Pirkl


    ' Inputs:Public Property Length - To res

    '     ize the string length. To use it a secon

    '     d time on another string just set the .L

    '     ength property to another value or just

    '     dereference the object and recreate it.

    Public Method Add - too add data to the concatenated string.


    ' Assumes:Didnt do much testing except u

    '     sing it to add together a string of 100,

    '     000 characters and it took about 7 secon

    '     ds which is not bad. If you need to add

    '     together more than that dont use this. I

    '     f your catting char strings like "
    '     >" + whatever then it should be ok.


    'This code is copyrighted and has    ' limited warranties.Please see http://w

    '     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/xq/ASP/txtCode

    '     Id.6342/lngWId.4/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.

    '     htm    'for details.    '**************************************


    Set X = New strCat' Create an instance of strCat

    X.Length = 100001' Change from the default String length of 100,000

    str = ""

    For I = 1 To X.Length

      X.Add("A") '- takes 7 seconds on my computer

      'str = str & "A"'- takes 1 minute 7 seconds on my computer



    X.Length = 101

    For I = 1 To X.Length




    Set X = Nothing ' Destroy the instance.


    Class strCat

      Private IntCntr

      Private strArray()

      Private intLength

      Public Property Get Length

        Length = intLength

      End Property

      Public Property Let Length( ByVal intLen)

        intLength = intLen

        IntCntr = 0

        Redim strArray(1)

        strArray(0) = ""

        Redim strArray(intLength)

      End Property

      Public Property Get Value

        Value = Join( strArray,"")

      End Property

      Private Sub Class_Initialize()

        IntCntr = 0

        Length = 100000

      End Sub

      Public Function Add( strToAdd)

        strArray(IntCntr) = strToAdd

        IntCntr= IntCntr + 1

      End Function

    End Class

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