您的位置:首页技术开发ASP技巧 → 关于分页办法


时间:2004/11/7 4:11:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)



   @forumID varchar(10),

   @a_intPageNo int ,

   @a_intPageSize int,

   @rootID varchar(10)


     declare @m_intRecordNumber int

     declare @m_intStartRecord  int

     declare @pagecount int

     declare @temp int

     declare @end  int

     declare @sql varchar(500)

     declare @bbsname varchar(25)

     declare @articles int

     declare @manager varchar(30)

     declare @selectrootID varchar(500)

     declare @temprootID varchar(10)

     select @m_intRecordNumber = @a_intPageSize * @a_intPageNo

     select @m_intStartRecord = @a_intPageSize * (@a_intPageNo - 1) + 1

     set nocount on       

     select @bbsname=subjectname,@manager=manager,@articles=articles from bbs_subjects where subjectID=@forumID

     if @rootID='0'


         -- select @sql='declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor for select ID,title,shrink,rootID,orderID,pubtime,hits,bytes,username,email from bbs_forum_'+@forumID+'  WHERE rootID in (select distinct rootID from bbs_forum_'+@forumID+' ) order by rootID desc,orderID asc'     

            select @sql='declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor for select rootID from bbs_forum_'+@forumID+' where rootID=parentID order by rootID desc'     



          select @sql='declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor for select ID,title,shrink,rootID,orderID,pubtime,hits,bytes,username,email from bbs_forum_'+@forumID+' where rootID='+@rootID+' order by orderID asc'     



     open m_curTemp

       set @pagecount = case

            when  @@cursor_rows % @a_intPageSize=0 then @@cursor_rows / @a_intPageSize

            when  @@cursor_rows % @a_intPageSize<>0 then @@cursor_rows / @a_intPageSize+1


       if  @@cursor_rows<@a_intPageSize and @@cursor_rows>0


             select @pagecount=1



   if @rootID='0'


         set @temp = 1

         set @selectrootID='0'

        fetch absolute @m_intStartRecord from m_curTemp into @temprootID

        while  @@fetch_status = 0 and @temp < @a_intPageSize


                   set @temp = @temp + 1

                   select @selectrootID=@selectrootID+','+@temprootID

                   fetch next from m_curTemp into @temprootID                   


         CLOSE m_curTemp

         DEALLOCATE m_curTemp

         set nocount off

         select 'pagecount' = @pagecount

         select 'bbsname'=@bbsname

         select 'manager'=@manager

         select 'articles'=@articles

         select @sql='declare curTemp Scroll cursor for select ID,title,shrink,rootID,orderID,Images,pubtime,hits,bytes,username,email  from  bbs_forum_'+@forumID+' where rootID in ('+@selectrootID+') order by rootID desc,orderID asc'


         open curTemp

         fetch first from curTemp

         while  @@fetch_status = 0


                   fetch next from curTemp


         CLOSE curTemp

         DEALLOCATE curTemp




            set @temp = 1     

            set nocount off

            fetch absolute @m_intStartRecord from m_curTemp

            while  @@fetch_status = 0 and @temp < @a_intPageSize


                   set @temp = @temp + 1

                   fetch next from m_curTemp


            CLOSE m_curTemp

            DEALLOCATE m_curTemp


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