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时间:2004/10/8 13:55:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

   Hard|OCP在其Prescott超频测试之后,收到了一位读者的消息:其测试中所采用的MSI 865PE NEO2主板在刷入最新版本的BIOS之后无法调节CPU核心电压(Vcore)。Hard|OCP就此事与MSI的有关人员进行了交流,得到了如下解释:

    The 865PE Neo2-P Platinum Edition is designed to support the Intel(r) next generation Pentium 4(r) processor: Prescott. However, owing to the different manufacturing process and power management, we've made some voltage limits in the BIOS to protect the Prescott P4 CPU from burning out. Meanwhile, you'll also find that there is no CPU voltage settings to adjust. This is also for system protection.



    I discussed the Vcore change question with the board designer over last weekend. Base on my understanding, the reason we didn't offer that when Prescott is populated was because a new Intel VID design on Prescott: "Dynamic VID" (VID becomes variable on different stages). According to the board designer, if M/B (BIOS) overwrite the Vcore, Dynamic VID will become invalid which might damage the CPU (Prescott Core) when power stage changed.

    ——在与主板设计师讨论后,基于个人理解:Intel Prescott采用了动态VID(Dynamic VID)设计,如果在BIOS中设定Vcore,此种动态VID功能便会失效;此时的功率变化将有可能损坏CPU。

  针对这种解释,Hard|OCP进行了试验——Prescott 2.8E在通常使用的状态下,其电压的确会出现大幅度的波动。



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