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时间:2004/10/15 1:14:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)
- AboveWorld - 25 Mb. Browser uploads. Popup ads. Available CGI scripts include guestbook, and message board. Domain hosting.
- Allmba.com - 100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No Pop-up ads. URL: 'http://yoursite.allmba.com/'.
- Alpona Portal - 15 MB with 100Mb monthly bandwidth. No ads. FTP uploads. CGI, SSI, PHP and MySQL supported. URL: 'http://yoursite.akshor.com/'.
- A11.net - 12Mb. Ads on pages. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.a11.net/'.
- Angelfire - 20 Mb. Choice of pop-up or on-page ads. FTP or Browser uploads. Templates and building tools provided. URL: 'http://www.angelfire/dir/yoursite/'.
- Anzwers - Unlimited space and bandwidth. Banner ad each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://www.anzwers.org/free/yoursite/'.
- AOL Hometown - 12Mb. Banner frame ad. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://hometown.aol.com/yoursite/'.
- 1ASPHost - 100 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up ads on each page. ASP and MS Access databases supported. URL: 'http://home.1asphost.com/yoursite/'.
- Better Web Project - Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.betterwebproject.com/'.
- Biz.ly - 100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Browser uploads. Banner on each page. URL: 'http://yoursite.biz.ly'.
- Brinkster - 30Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. Browser uploads. ASP supported. URL: 'http://www##.brinkster.com/yoursite/'.
- Bronwyn.co.uk - 12 MB. Banner and Pop-up ad on each page. URL: 'http://yourname.bronwyn.co.uk'.
- Bz.tc - 20 MB. Banners and Pop-up ad on each page. FTP. URL: 'http://www.yoursite.bz.tc'.
- 0Catch - 100Mb with 600Mb bandwidth. 1Mb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.0catch.com/'.
- CCRTC Internet - No forced ads. URL: 'http://www.ccrtc.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- CentralPets.com - For pet and animal related websites. Browser uploads. Templates provided.
- ClickHereFree.net - 100Mb with 600Mb monthly bandwidth. 1Mb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.clickherefree.net/'.
- ComVision2000.com - 12 Mb. Adframe at top of each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Web-based email account. URL: 'http://yoursite.comvision2000.com/' or 'http://yoursite.2itb.com/'.
- Cool Free Pages - 50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Exit Pop-up ad. FTP uploads. PHP supported. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.coolfreepages.com/'.
- Cooo.net - 100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. 500kb filesize limit. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.cooo.net/'.
- Crosswinds.net - Unlimited space. Pop-up ad on each page. Browser uploads. Unlimited web-based email. URL: 'http://www.crosswinds.net/yoursite/'.
- CyberSoup - 15Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://my.cybersoup.com/yoursite/'.
- CyCoCity - Browser uploads. URL: 'http://cycocity.com/yoursite/'.
- Delphi - Limited homepage websites associated with forums. Simple editor for page creation. URL: 'http://forums.delphiforums.com/yoursite/start/'.
- deluxnetwork - 30 MB with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP and SSI supported. URL: 'http://host.deluxnetwork.com/~yoursite/'.
- DomainDLX - 15 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner or popup on each page. FTP access. Web-based email. Domain hosting. ASP, Access databases and SSI supported.
- Dreamwater - 50+ Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Templates provided. CGI scripts: chat board, form mailer, and guestbook. URL: 'http://yoursite.dreamwater.com/'.
- The Dungeon Web-Services - 300Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced banner ads. Browser uploads. CGI scripts provided. SSI and PHP supported. URL: 'http://www.thedungeonws.com/yoursite/'.
- Eccentrix - 50 Mb with 900Mb monthly bandwidth. Pop-ups on each page. CGI scripts: guestbook and message board. URL: 'http://www.eccentrix.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- EGAO.com - 5Mb. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://www.egao.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- eSmartStart - 20Mb. FTP and browser uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.eSmartWeb.com/'.
- Eweb7.com - 20 MB. Banner on each page. FTP uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.eweb7.com/'.
- The Express Page - For creating a first home page. 1 page allowed. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://expage.com/yoursite/'.
- F2G.net - 15 MB. No forced ads. FTP uploads. SSI, PHP and CGI supported. URL: 'http://yoursite.f2g.net'.
- FlatFace.net - 200Mb. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Web-based email. CGI, Perl, PHP and SSI supported. URL: 'http://www.flatface.net/~yoursite/'.
- FortuneCity - 25 Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad and Pop-ups on each page. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://members.fortunecity.com/yoursite/'.
- FortuneCity UK - 25Mb with 0.5Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. URL: 'http://members.fortunecity.co.uk/yoursite/'.
- The Free Auction - 1.5Mb. Browser uploads. Web-based PageBuilder and templates provided. Search box, guestbook, counter and form mailer provided.
- Free Info Center - 50Mb with 2Gb monthly transfer. Banner on each page. FTP uploads. Frontpage and ASP supported. POP3 email. Domain hosting available. URL: 'http://www.freeinfocenter.net/yoursite/'.
- Free Web Hosting - Unlimited space with unlimited bandwidth. Header and footer ads on each page. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.sohounion.com/'.
- 20 Free Web Pages - 20Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. Banner and Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. Email forwarding. URL: 'http://yoursite.20fr.com/'.
- Free Web Space - 50Mb. FTP uploads.
- Free Web Space - 20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts and website tools. URL: 'http://yoursite.freewebspace.com/'.
- Free Webpages - 100Mb. Banner ad on each page. Some Pop-up ads. FTP and browser uploads. Site statistics provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.freewebpages.org/'.
- FreeCyberZone.com - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. CGI scripts: counter, guestbook and message boards. URL: 'http://yoursite.freecyberzone.com/'.
- FreeHomePage.com - 12Mb. Templates provided. Pop-up and banner ads on each page. URL: 'http://yoursite.freehomepage.com/'.
- FreePages - 5 web pages allowed. Templates provided. URL: 'http://pages.nutang.com/yoursite/'.
- Freeservers.com - 12 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts: counter, guestbook and form mailer. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.freeservers.com/'.
- FreeWebs.com - 100Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads for a fee. CGI, Perl and SSI supported. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://www.freewebs.com/yoursite/'.
- FreeWebSites.com - 50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. 2Mb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up on each page. FTP uploads. Unlimited email addresses. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.b0x.com/'.
- Geocities - 15 Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth limit. Banner or Pop-up ads on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. On-line editor. CGI scripts: counter and guestbook. URL: 'http://www.geocities.com/yoursite/'.
- Gizba.com - 500Mb. Browser uploads. Guestbook and message boards provided. FrontPage supported. URL: 'http://gizba.com/user/yoursite/'.
- 2GlobalMart.com - 12Mb. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Counter, form mailer and guestbook provided. FrontPage supported. URL: 'http://yoursite.g2gm.com/'.
- 20go - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.20go.com'.
- GoBot - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Templates provided. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.gobot.com'.
- Gossimer - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.gossimer.net'.
- Graffiti.net - 20Mb. Button link required. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Full CGI-BIN support, chat, message boards and mailing lists. URL: 'http://www.graffiti.net/yoursite/'.
- 7H Free Web Hosting - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based email account. Site building tools. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.7h.com/'.
- Hewbert.com - Unlimited space. 30Mb filesize limit. FTP and SSH uploads.
- Home Page Builders - 100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner at top and bottom of each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.gottadot.com/'.
- 7Host - 50Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. ASP supported. URL: 'http://user.7host.com/yoursite/'.
- Host Department - 10Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Guestbook, message board and form mailer provided. Password protection for directories available. URL: 'http://free.hostdepartment.com/yoursite/'.
- Host Ultra - Unlimited space with unlimited bandwidth. Filesize limit 1Mb. Exit Pop-up ads on each page. PHP Supported. URL: 'http://www.hostultra.com/~yoursite/'.
- HostsLtd - 20Mb. Counters, guestbooks, polls, forums and form mailer provided. URL: 'http://www.freehostsltd.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- hus.meg.nu - 2.5Mb. 500kb filesize limit. No forced ads. Site builder tools. URL: 'http://hus.meg.nu/homepage/dir/yoursite'.
- ICQ Homepages - Requires ICQ. 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.home.icq.com/'.
- IcySpicy - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.icyspicy.com'.
- Internations.com - 100Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: guestbook, form mailer, and message board. URL: 'http://yourcountry.internations.net/yoursite/'.
- ItsMySite.com - 5Mb. Ad frame or banner on each page. Only hosts pages built by SiteBuilder, an online site building tool. Password-protecting available. URL: 'http://www.itsmysite.com/yoursite/'.
- JoinMe - 5Mb. Web based editor, guest books and bulletin boards provided. URL: 'http://joinme.net/yoursite'.
- JustFree.com - 40Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: guestbook and message board. Low traffic sites are permitted. URL: 'http://justfree.com/yoursite/'.
- KTP Free Web Hosting - 10Mb. FTP uploads. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://ktp.wigloo.com/yoursite/'.
- Lecktronix.net - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based site builder provided. CGI scripts: counter, guestbook and forms. URL: 'http://yoursite.lecktronix.net/'.
- Mad Sky - For anime, manga, JPOP or JRock related sites which are getting 100 hits per day. 50Mb. FTP uploads. CGI-BIN, Perl, PHP and mySQL supported. URL: 'http://yoursite.mad-sky.com/'.
- MarHost - 10Mb with unlimited bandwith. FTP Uploads. POP3 email account. CGI, Perl, ASP and PHP supported. URL: 'http://www.yoursite.marhost.com/'.
- 12mb.com - 12Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Exit Pop-up on each page.
- 20m.com - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Web-based email address. CGI scripts: counter and guestbook. URL: 'http://yoursite.20m.com/'.
- 100 Megs Free - 100Mb. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Template based editor. CGI scripts: form mailer, message board, and guest book. URL: 'http://yoursite.100megsfree.com/'.
- 20 Megs Free.com - 20Mb. Browser or FTP uploads. Website builder and templates provided. Guestbook, counter and form mailer provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.20megsfree.com/'.
- 20megs.com - 20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP or browser uploads. CGI scripts: guestbook and message board. URL: 'http://www.20megs.com/category/yoursite/'.
- Megspace - 50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: form mailer, guestbook, and message board. URL: 'http://www.megspace.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- Meticulous Design - For sites which have already been constructed. 50Mb. Text link on each page. FTP uploads. Web-based and POP3 email. CGI, SSI, PHP and MySQL supported. URL: 'http://www.metic.net/yoursite/'.
- Mg2.org - A community focused on web hosting. Sponsor based user selection and approval. 20Mb. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP, CGI, JSP and Perl supported. GCC access provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.mg2.org/'.
- 2mh.net - 100Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.maddsites.com'.
- MsgServerNet - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based and POP3 email provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.msgserver.net/'.
- MyCgiServer.com - 2Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up ads on each page. FTP uploads. CGI and Java servlets supported. URL: 'http://www.mycgiserver.com/~yoursite/'.
- MyWebPage at Netscape - 20Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://webpages.netscape.com/yoursite/'.
- NeoCities.US - 20Mb. No banners. URL: 'http://www.neocities.us/yoursite/'.
- Neopages hosting - For sites which have already been constructed. 50Mb+ with unlimited bandwidth. FTP and browser uploads. POP3 email. CGI, PHP and MySQL supported. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.neopages.net/'.
- NerdCities - 100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Unlimited filesize. CGI scripts: guestbook and counter. URL: 'http://yoursite.ssihost.com/'.
- Netomia - 60Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: counter, form mailer and guestbook. URL: 'http://user.netomia.com/yoursite/'.
- nu3.net - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Web-based email. Scripts: form mailer, guestbook and message boards. URL: 'http://yoursite.nu3.net/'.
- OAM Web - 5 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: form mailer, guestbook, and message board. URL: 'http://oamweb.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- OurWeb.to - 20Mb. Banner ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts, CGI-BIN access provided. SSI, PHP, MySQL, ASP, MS Frontpage extensions suppported. URL: 'http://www.ourweb.to/~yoursite/'.
- Pay2Play Network - FTP uploads. CGI and SSI supported.
- PC Help ZoNe - 6Mb. No filesize limits. No banner ads. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. Perl, SSI and PHP supported. URL: 'http://hosting.pchelpzone.net/yoursite/'.
- PCI Free Host - 12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. 256kb filesize limit. Banner ad on each page. Email forwarding. CGI scripts: webring, message board, form mailer and counter. URL: 'http://yoursite.pcizone.com/'.
- PhileBox - 6000kb with unlimited bandwidth. Text link ad on each page. Browser uploads.
- Pinoysite - For Philippine theme sites. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://www.pinoysite.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- 22pm.com - 12Mb. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based email. Site statistics provided. Guestbook, chat and forum provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.22pm.com/'.
- Pohost - Unlimited space and bandwidth. 400kb filesize limit. Header and footer ads on each page. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.pohost.com/'.
- Portland communications - 15Mb with 100Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts supported. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.portland.co.uk/'.
- PrimeTap - 12Mb. Banner and Pop-up ads on each page. Browser uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.primetap.com/'.
- ProHosting - 20Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. FTP uploads. Web-based site builder. URL: 'http://free.prohosting.com/~yoursite/'.
- Psend - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based email. PHP supported. URL: 'http://yoursite.psend.com/'.
- 4qtherapeia.com - Only for sites that have already been built. 10Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.joolsc.net/'.
- The Ratpack - 50Mb. No forced banner ads. FTP uploads. Web-based and POP3 email. MySQL supported.
- Sakellaris Electronics - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Templates provided. Email forwarding. URL: 'http://yoursite.snn.gr/'.
- 00server.com - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.00space.com/'.
- Servernova - 25Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Ads on pages. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://servernova.com/yoursite/'.
- ServeYou - For gay sites only. 40Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Footer ad. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://www.serveyou.org/yoursite/'.
- SitePalace.com - 8Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: counter. URL: 'http://www.sitepalace.com/yoursite/'.
- Slayer Networking and WebHosting - 50Mb. No forced Pop-up ads. POP3 email. URL: 'http://slayernetworking.com/yoursite/'.
- SpaceCities - 100Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. Guestbook and webring creator provided. MS FrontPage supported. URL: 'http://www.spacecities.com/yoursite/'.
- SpacePorts - Unlimited space with 5Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad frame on each page. FTP uploads. CGI-BIN provided. PHP and mySQL supported. URL: 'http://area.spaceports.com/~yoursite/'.
- SpaceProgram.co.uk - 200kb+ space. Browser uploads. Website builder provided. Message boards and guestbooks on request.
- Sphosting.com - 35Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth. 2.5Mb filesize limit. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.sphosting.com/'.
- Stormpages.com - 50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Scripts: message board, guest book. Web-based site builder provided. URL: 'http://stormpages.com/yoursite/'.
- SurfVP - 20Mb. FTP uploads. CGI scripts: forum, counter and form mailer. URL: 'http://yourname.surfvp.com/'.
- TechGether.net - 201Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. CGI and MS FrontPage supported. URL: 'http://www.techgether.net/yoursite/'.
- Thirdage.com - 9Mb. Pop-up ad on each page. Browser uploads. Guestbook and counter provided. URL: 'http://home.thirdage.com/area/yoursite/'.
- Timecities.com - 15Mb. Banner ad at bottom of each page. Browser uploads.
- TopCities.com - 150Mb. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include guestbook, message board, form mailer and counter. URL: 'http://yoursite.topcities.com/'.
- Tripod.com - 20 Mb. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. MS FrontPage, CGI and Perl supported. Web-based builder and templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.tripod.com/'.
- Tripod-UK - 50 Mb. Banner and Pop-up ads. Browser and FTP uploads. MS FrontPage, PHP and MySQL supported. URL: 'http://members.lycos.co.uk/yoursite/'.
- Turkiye2000.com - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.turkiye2000.com/'.
- United Net - 15Mb with 100Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. CGI-BIN, PHP, MySQL and SSI supported. Email forwarding. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://yoursite.united.net.kg/'.
- VietLogon - 15Mb. No banners. URL: 'http://www.vietlogon.com/user=/yoursite/'.
- Virtual Solar System - 5Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://www.virtualsolarsystem.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- Web Free - 5Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://www.web-free.net/yoursite/'.
- Web Host Me - 20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up or banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Support for MS Access databases, MS FrontPage and ASP. Web-based email. Domain hosting. URL: 'http://www.yoursite.webhostme.com/'.
- Web1000.com - 50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. URL: 'http://yoursite.web1000.com/'.
- Webmaster Station - 25Mb. Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Site statistics provided. Guestbooks, polls, free4all links, counters and galleries provided. URL: 'http://www.exeat.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- WebMasterTools.Com - 10Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on homepage. FTP uploads. Two POP3 email accounts. URL: 'http://webmastertools.com/dir/yoursite/'.
- Websamba.com - 30Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner at top and bottom of each page; no user ads. FTP uploads. CGI, ASP, SSI and ODBC databases supported. URL: 'http://www.websamba/yoursite/'.
- WebSpawner.com - For a first web page. Pop-up ad on each page. Web-based builder and site management tools.
- Wizards of WizardSoul - For a simple web page. Text link ad at top of each page. Web-based builder and messenger system provided. URL: 'http://wizardsoul.com/wizards/yoursite/'.
- Wolfserver.net Webhosting - 10Mb with 300Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based email. SSI, PHP and MySQL supported. URL: 'http://www.wolfserver.net/yoursite/'.
- Worldbreak.com - 12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Unlimited web-based email accounts. CGI scripts include counters, form mailer and guestbook. URL: 'http://yoursite/worldbreak.com/'.
- Xaper Homepages - 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Templates provided. URL: 'http://yoursite.xaper.com/'.
- XentriK Free Hosting - 10Mb. No forced ads. Guestbook and message board provided. Web-based email account. Browser uploads. URL: 'http://xentrik.net/yoursite/'.
- X-Mail.net - 20Mb. 500kb filesize limit. Browser uploads. Web-based email account.
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