MVC 模式在网站架构中十分常见。它允许我们建立一个三层结构的应用程式,从代码中分离出有用的层,帮助设计师和开发者协同工作以及提高我们维护和扩展既有程式的能力。
PHP 中有一个很著名的类库 phpLib,其中有 Template 模板类。能够很方便地实现代码分离。在 asp 中是否也可以这样做呢?至少以前没有出现过,几乎所有的asp程序都是和html等代码放在同一个文件,既不容易管理,也不方便维护和扩展。
这就是 aspTemplate 的初衷。它完全实现了 phpLib Template 的全部功能,你可以象使用 phpLib Template 一样使用它,连习惯也基本不用改。现在支持调用文件与数据库模板两种模式(其中文件模板需要FSO权限) :)
'## NAME: aspTemplate
'## BY: BigHan
'## DATE: Nov. 28, 2003
'## SITE:
'## EMAIL:
'## (C) Copyright 2003-2004 bighan
'## Database Table: See db/aspTemplate.mdb
Class aspTemplate
'## name of this class
'## var string
'## @access Private
'## @see property: Name
Private m_strName
'## version of this class
'## var string
'## @access Private
'## @see property: Version
Private m_strVersion
'## Determines how much debugging output Template will produce.
'## This is a bitwise mask of available debug levels:
'## 0 = no debugging
'## 1 = debug variable assignments
'## 2 = debug calls to get variable
'## 3 = debug SQL
'## 4 = debug internals (outputs all function calls with parameters).
'## @var int
'## @access Private
'## @see property: Debug
Private m_intDebug
'## Template files data type
'## "db" = Database
'## "file" = File
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property: Mode
Private m_strMode
'## The base directory from which template files are loaded.
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property: Root, Dir; method: SetRoot, set_root
Private m_Root
'## Determines how to output variable tags with no assigned value in templates.
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property Unknowns; method: SetUnknowns, set_unknowns
Private m_strUnknowns
'## Determines how Template handles error conditions.
'## "yes" = the error is reported, then execution is halted
'## "report" = the error is reported, then execution continues by returning "false"
'## "no" = errors are silently ignored, and execution resumes reporting "false"
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property IsHalt; method: halt
Private m_strHaltError
'## The last error message is retained in this variable.
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property LastError
Private m_strLastError
'## Opening delimiter (usually "{")
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property BeginTag
Private m_strBeginTag
'## Closing delimiter (usually "}")
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see private EndTag
Private m_strEndTag
'## A hash of strings forming a translation table which translates variable names
'## into names of files containing the variable content.
'## m_oFile.Item(varname) = "filename";
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see method: SetFile, SetFiles, set_file
Private m_oFile
'## Regular Expression Object
'## @var object
'## @access private
Private m_oRegExp
'## A hash of strings forming a translation table which translates variable names
'## into regular expressions for themselves.
'## m_oVarKeys.Item(varname) = "{varname}"
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see method: SetVar, SetVars, SetAppendVar, SetAppendVars, set_var
Private m_oVarKeys
'## A hash of strings forming a translation table which translates variable names
'## into values for their respective varkeys.
'## m_oVarVals.Item(varname) = "value"
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see method: SetVar, SetVars, SetAppendVar, SetAppendVars, set_var
Private m_oVarVals
'## Connection Object, if this Mode = "db" the Connection Object need.
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see property: ActiveConnection, method: OpenTemplateDatabase, CloseTemplateDatabase
Private m_oConn
'## Is native connection object.
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see property: ActiveConnection, method: OpenTemplateDatabase, CloseTemplateDatabase
Private m_blnNativeConnection
'## Is Open connection object.
'## @var object
'## @access private
'## @see property: ActiveConnection, method: OpenTemplateDatabase, CloseTemplateDatabase
Private m_blnConnectionState
'## Template database set table name.
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property: CatTable
Private m_strCatTable
'## Template database data table name.
'## @var string
'## @access private
'## @see property: DataTable
Private m_strDataTable
'## get class name attribute.
'## usage: oTemplate.Name
'## access public
Public Property Get Name()
Name = m_strName
End Property
'## get class version property.
'## usage: oTemplate.Version
'## access public
Public Property Get Version()
Version = m_strVersion
End Property
'## get/set m_strMode property.
'## usage: oTemplate.Mode = string A_strType
'## access public
Public Property Let Mode(ByVal A_strType)
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Mode: A_strType = " & A_strType & "
" & VbCrLf
A_strType = LCase(A_strType)
Select Case A_strType
Case "file"
m_strMode = "file"
Case "db"
m_strMode = "db"
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Mode()
Mode = m_strMode
End Property
'## set m_oConn property.
'## usage: oTemplate.ActiveConnection = object A_oConn
'## access public
Public Property Let ActiveConnection(ByRef A_oConn)
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
ActiveConnection: Use ActiveConnection
" & VbCrLf
if IsObject(A_oConn) Then
If A_oConn.State <> AdStateClosed Then
Set m_oConn = A_oConn
m_blnConnectionState = True
m_blnNativeConnection = False
End If
End If
End Property
'## set/get m_strCatTable property.
'## usage: oTemplate.CatTable = string A_strCatTable
'## access public
Public Property Let CatTable(ByVal A_strCatTable)
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
CatTable: A_strCatTable = " & A_strCatTable & "
" & VbCrLf
m_strCatTable = A_strCatTable
End Property
Public Property Get CatTable()
CatTable = m_strCatTable
End Property
'## set/get m_strDataTable property.
'## usage: oTemplate.DataTable = string A_strDataTable
'## access public
Public Property Let DataTable(ByVal A_strDataTable)
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
DataTable: A_strDataTable = " & A_strDataTable & "
" & VbCrLf
m_strDataTable = A_strDataTable
End Property
Public Property Get DataTable()
DataTable = m_strDataTable
End Property
'## get/set m_intDebug attribute.
'## usage: oTemplate.Debug = int A_intDebug
'## access public
Public Property Let Debug(ByVal A_intDebug)
m_intDebug = CInt(A_intDebug)
End Property
Public Property Get Debug()
Debug = m_intDebug
End Property
'## Sets the policy for dealing with unresolved variable names.
'## unknowns defines what to do with undefined template variables
'## "remove" = remove undefined variables
'## "comment" = replace undefined variables with comments
'## "keep" = keep undefined variables
'## Note: "comment" can cause unexpected results when the variable tag is embedded
'## inside an HTML tag, for example a tag which is expected to be replaced with a URL.
'## usage: oTemplate.Unknowns = string A_strUnknowns
'## @param A_strUnknowns new value for unknowns
'## @see unknowns, SetUnknowns, set_unknowns
'## @access public
Public Property Let Unknowns(ByVal A_strUnknowns)
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Unknowns: unknowns = " & A_strUnknowns & "
" & VbCrLf
A_strUnknowns = LCase(A_strUnknowns)
Select Case A_strUnknowns
Case "keep"
m_strUnknowns = "keep"
Case "remove"
m_strUnknowns = "remove"
Case "comment"
m_strUnknowns = "comment"
Case Else
m_strUnknowns = "remove"
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Unknowns()
Unknowns = m_strUnknowns
End Property
'## Checks that root is a valid directory and if so sets this directory as the
'## base directory from which templates are loaded by storing the value in
'## Root. Relative filenames are prepended with the path in Root.
'## usage: oTemplate.Root = string A_strDir
'## @param A_root string containing new template directory
'## @see m_Root, SetRoot, set_root
'## @access public
Public Property Let Root(ByVal A_strDir)
Dim MM_FSO, sql, rs, MM_TempDir, num
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Root: root = " & A_strDir & "
" & VbCrLf
If Len(A_strDir) > 0 Then
If Mode = "file" Then
Set MM_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If MM_FSO.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(A_strDir)) Then
If Right(A_strDir, 1) <> "/" Then
m_Root = A_strDir & "/"
m_Root = A_strDir
End If
Call halt("The folder " & A_strDir & " does not exist.")
End If
ElseIf Mode = "db" Then
If Right(A_strDir, 1) = "/" Then A_strDir = left(A_strDir, len(A_strDir) -1)
If left(A_strDir, 1) = "/" Then A_strDir = Right(A_strDir, len(A_strDir) -1)
MM_TempDir = Split(A_strDir, "/")
num = UBound(MM_TempDir)
If num > 0 Then A_strDir = MM_TempDir(num)
sql = "SELECT tplcat_id FROM " & CatTable & " WHERE tplcat_name='" & A_strDir &"'"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, m_oConn, AdOpenForwardOnly, AdLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If Not rs.EOF Then
m_Root = rs("tplcat_id")
Call halt("Not Find template category " & A_strDir & " from database.")
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
Root: sql = " & sql & "
" & VbCrLf
End If
Call halt("The folder Root does not empty.")
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Root()
Root = m_Root
End Property
'## alias of Root
Public Property Let Dir(ByVal A_strDir)
Root = A_strDir
End Property
Public Property Get Dir()
Dir = Root
End Property
'## Set/Get class m_strHaltError attribute.
'## "yes" = the error is reported, then execution is halted.
'## "no" = errors are silently ignored.
'## "report" = the error is reported, then execution continues.
'## usage: oTemplate.IsHalt = string A_strHalt
'## @param A_strHalt new value for m_strHaltError
'## @see Halt
'## @access public
Public Property Let IsHalt(ByVal A_strHalt)
A_strHalt = LCase(A_strHalt)
Select Case A_strHalt
Case "yes"
m_strHaltError = "yes"
Case "no"
m_strHaltError = "no"
Case "report"
m_strHaltError = "report"
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get IsHalt()
IsHalt = m_strHaltError
End Property
'## Set/Get class m_strBeginTag attribute.
'## Note: Don't conflict of HTML tag
'## usage: oTemplate.BeginTag = string A_strTag
'## @param A_strTag new value for m_strBeginTag
'## @access public
Public Property Let BeginTag(ByVal A_strTag)
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
BeginTag: BeginTag = " & A_strTag & "
" & VbCrLf
m_strBeginTag = A_strTag
End Property
Public Property Get BeginTag()
BeginTag = m_strBeginTag
End Property
'## Set/Get class m_strEndTag attribute.
'## Note: Don't conflict of HTML tag
'## usage: oTemplate.EndTag = string A_strTag
'## @param A_strTag new value for m_strEndTag
'## @access public
Public Property Let EndTag(ByVal A_strTag)
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
EndTag: EndTag = " & A_strTag & "
" & VbCrLf
m_strEndTag = A_strTag
End Property
Public Property Get EndTag()
EndTag = m_strEndTag
End Property
'## Get class last error messages.
'## usage: oTemplate.LastError
'## @access public
Public Property Get LastError()
LastError = m_strLastError
End Property
'## Open template database Connection object. if this Mode="db", need first open.
'## usage: oTemplate.OpenTemplateDatabase string A_strConnString
'## @access public
Public Sub OpenTemplateDatabase(ByVal A_strConnString)
on error resume next
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
OpenTemplateDatabase: A_strConnString = " & A_strConnString & "
" & VbCrLf
if IsNull(m_oConn) Or Not IsObject(m_oConn) Then
Set m_oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
m_oConn.ConnectionString = A_strConnString
If Err Then
Set m_oConn = Nothing
Call halt("Connection: Open Connection by string " & A_strConnString & " error.")
m_blnConnectionState = True
m_blnNativeConnection = True
End If
End If
End Sub
'## Close template database Connection object.
'## usage: oTemplate.CloseTemplateDatabase
'## @access public
Public Sub CloseTemplateDatabase()
if IsObject(m_oConn) Then
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
CloseTemplateDatabase: Close Database ... ...
" & VbCrLf
If m_blnNativeConnection = True Then
Set m_oConn = Nothing
Set m_oConn = Nothing
End If
End If
m_blnConnectionState = False
End Sub
'## @see Root
Public Sub SetRoot(ByVal A_strDir)
Root = A_strDir
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->set_root
Public Sub set_root(ByVal A_strDir)
Root = A_strDir
End Sub
'## @see Unknown
Public Sub SetUnknowns(ByVal A_strUnknowns)
Unknowns = A_strUnknowns
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->set_root
Public Sub set_unknowns(ByVal A_strUnknowns)
Unknowns = A_strUnknowns
End Sub
'## Defines a filename for the initial value of a variable.
'## It may be passed either a varname and a file name as two strings or
'## a hash of strings with the key being the varname and the value
'## being the file name.
'## The new mappings are stored in the object m_oFile.
'## The files are not loaded yet, but only when needed.
'## usage: oTemplate.SetFile A_varname, A_filename
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.SetFile array(A_varname1, A_filename1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_filename2 _
'## ,.... .... , ,,,. ,,,, ) _
'## , ""
'## @see SetFiles
'## @param A_varname either a string containing a varname or a hash of varname/file name pairs.
'## @param A_filename if varname is a string this is the filename otherwise filename is not required
'## @access public
Public Sub SetFile(ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_filename)
Dim MM_strFiles, num
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
SetFile: (with scalar) varname = "& A_varname &", filename = "& A_filename &"
" & VbCrLf
If A_filename = "" Then
Call halt("SetFile: For varname " & A_filename & " filename is empty.")
Exit Sub
End If
MM_strFiles = filename(A_filename)
m_oFile.Add A_varname, MM_strFiles
Call SetFiles(A_varname)
End If
End Sub
'## Defines a multi-filename for the initial value of a variable.
'## usage: oTemplate.SetFiles array(A_varname1, A_filename1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_filename2 _
'## ,.... .... , ,,,. ,,,, )
'## @param array A_varname
'## @access public
'## @see SetFile
Public Sub SetFiles(ByVal A_varname)
Dim i, num
If IsArray(A_varname) Then
num = Ubound(A_varname)
if ((num +1) mod 2) <> 0 Then
Call halt("SetFiles: For varname array's element not gemination.")
Exit Sub
For i = 0 To num Step 2
Call SetFile(A_varname(i), A_varname(i+1))
End If
Call SetFile(A_varname, "")
End If
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->set_file
Public Sub set_file(ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_filename)
Call SetFile(A_varname, A_filename)
End Sub
'## A variable $parent may contain a variable block defined by:
'## <!-- BEGIN A_varname --> content <!-- END A_varname -->. This function removes
'## that block from $parent and replaces it with a variable reference named $name.
'## The block is inserted into the varkeys and varvals hashes. If A_name is
'## omitted, it is assumed to be the same as A_varname.
'## Blocks may be nested but care must be taken to extract the blocks in order
'## from the innermost block to the outermost block.
'## usage: oTemplate.SetBlock string A_parent, string A_parent, string A_name
'## @param A_parent a string containing the name of the parent variable
'## @param A_varname a string containing the name of the block to be extracted
'## @param A_name the name of the variable in which to store the block
'## @access public
Public Sub SetBlock(ByVal A_parent, ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_name)
Dim MM_String, MM_MatchString
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
SetBlock: parent = " & A_parent & ", varname = " & A_varname & ", name = " & A_name & "
" & VbCrLf
If Not loadfile(A_parent) Then
Call halt("SetBlock: unable to load " & A_parent & ".")
Exit Sub
End If
if A_name = "" Then A_name = A_varname
MM_String = GetVar(A_parent)
m_oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
m_oRegExp.Global = True
m_oRegExp.Pattern = "
Set Matches = m_oRegExp.Execute(MM_String)
For Each Match In Matches
MM_MatchString = Match.SubMatches(1)
MM_String = m_oRegExp.Replace(MM_String, BeginTag & A_name & EndTag)
Call SetVar(A_varname,MM_MatchString)
Call SetVar(A_parent,MM_String)
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->set_block
Public Sub set_block(ByVal A_parent, ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_name)
Call SetBlock(A_parent, A_varname, A_name)
End Sub
'## This functions sets the value of a variable.
'## It may be called with either a varname and a value as two strings or an
'## an associative array with the key being the varname and the value being
'## the new variable value.
'## The function inserts the new value of the variable into the $varkeys and
'## $varvals hashes. It is not necessary for a variable to exist in these hashes
'## before calling this function.
'## usage: oTemplate.SetVar string A_varname, string A_value
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.SetVar array( A_varname1, A_value1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_value2 _
'## , ... , ... ) _
'## , ""
'## @param A_varname either a string containing a varname or a hash of varname/value pairs.
'## @param A_value if A_varname is a string this contains the new value for the variable otherwise this parameter is ignored
'## @access public
Public Sub SetVar(ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_value)
Dim MM_varname
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If A_varname <> "" Then
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "SetVar: (with scalar) " & A_varname & " = " & Server.HTMLEncode(A_value) & "
" & VbCrLf
MM_varname = varname(A_varname)
if m_oVarKeys.Exists(A_varname) Then
m_oVarKeys.Remove A_varname
m_oVarKeys.Add A_varname, MM_varname
m_oVarKeys.Add A_varname, MM_varname
End If
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname) Then
m_oVarVals.Remove A_varname
m_oVarVals.Add A_varname, A_value
m_oVarVals.Add A_varname, A_value
End If
End If
Call SetVars(A_varname)
End If
End Sub
'## usage: oTemplate.SetVar array( A_varname1, A_value1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_value2 _
'## , ... , ... )
'## @param A_varname a hash of varname/value pairs.
'## @access public
'## @see SetVar
Public Sub SetVars(ByVal A_varname)
Dim i, num
If IsArray(A_varname) Then
num = Ubound(A_varname)
if ((num +1) mod 2) <> 0 Then
Call halt("SetVars: For varname array's element not gemination.")
Exit Sub
For i = 0 To num Step 2
Call SetVar(A_varname(i), A_varname(i+1))
End If
Call SetVar(A_varname, "")
End If
End Sub
'## usage: oTemplate.SetAppendVar string A_varname, string A_value
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.SetAppendVar array( A_varname1, A_value1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_value2 _
'## , ... , ... ) _
'## , ""
'## @param A_varname either a string containing a varname or a hash of varname/value pairs.
'## @param A_value if A_varname is a string this contains the new value for the variable otherwise this parameter is ignored
'## @access public
'## @see SetVar
Public Sub SetAppendVar(ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_value)
Dim MM_varname, MM_string
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If A_varname <> "" Then
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "SetAppendVar: (with scalar) " & A_varname & " = " & Server.HTMLEncode(A_value) & "
" & VbCrLf
MM_varname = varname(A_varname)
if m_oVarKeys.Exists(A_varname) Then
m_oVarKeys.Remove A_varname
m_oVarKeys.Add A_varname, MM_varname
m_oVarKeys.Add A_varname, MM_varname
End If
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname) Then
MM_string = m_oVarVals.Item(A_varname) & A_value
m_oVarVals.Remove A_varname
m_oVarVals.Add A_varname, MM_string
m_oVarVals.Add A_varname, A_value
End If
End If
Call SetAppendVars(A_varname)
End If
End Sub
'## usage: oTemplate.SetAppendVars array( A_varname1, A_value1 _
'## ,A_varname2, A_value2 _
'## , ... , ... )
'## @param A_varname a hash of varname/value pairs.
'## @access public
'## @see SetVar
Public Sub SetAppendVars(ByVal A_varname)
Dim i, num
If IsArray(A_varname) Then
num = Ubound(A_varname)
if ((num +1) mod 2) <> 0 Then
Call halt("SetVars: For varname array's element not gemination.")
Exit Sub
For i = 0 To num Step 2
Call SetAppendVar(A_varname(i), A_varname(i+1))
End If
Call SetAppendVar(A_varname, "")
End If
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->set_var
Public Sub set_var(ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_value, ByVal A_append)
If CBool(A_append) = True Then
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
Call SetAppendVar(A_varname, A_value)
Call SetAppendVars(A_varname, A_value)
End If
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
Call SetVar(A_varname, A_value)
Call SetVars(A_varname, A_value)
End If
End If
End Sub
'## This function fills in all the variables contained within the variable named
'## A_varname. The resulting value is returned as the function result and the
'## original value of the variable varname is not changed. The resulting string
'## is not "finished", that is, the unresolved variable name policy has not been
'## applied yet.
'## Returns: the value of the variable $varname with all variables substituted.
'## usage: SubString(string A_varname)
'## @param A_varname the name of the variable within which variables are to be substituted
'## @access public
'## @return string
Public Function SubString(ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_String
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
SubString: varname = " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
If Not loadfile(A_varname) Then
Call halt("SubString: unable to load " & A_varname & ".")
End If
MM_String = GetVar(A_varname)
m_oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
m_oRegExp.Global = True
m_oRegExp.Pattern = "(" & BeginTag & ")([^ \t\r\n" & EndTag &"]+)" & EndTag
Set Matches = m_oRegExp.Execute(MM_String)
For Each Match In Matches
if m_oVarVals.Exists(Match.SubMatches(1)) Then
m_oRegExp.Pattern = Match.Value
MM_String = m_oRegExp.Replace(MM_String, m_oVarVals.Item(Match.SubMatches(1)))
End If
SubString = MM_String
End Function
'## @same phplib::template->subst
Public Function subst(ByVal A_varname)
subst = SubString(A_varname)
End Function
'## This is shorthand for print SubString(A_varname). See SubString for further
'## details.
'## usage: oTemplate.WriteSubString string A_varname
'## @param A_varname the name of the variable within which variables are to be substituted
'## @access public
'## @see SubString
Public Sub WriteSubString(ByVal A_varname)
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
WriteSubString: varname = " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
Response.Write SubString(A_varname)
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->psubst
Public Sub psubst(ByVal A_varname)
Call WriteSubString(A_varname)
End Sub
'## The function substitutes the values of all defined variables in the variable
'## named A_varname and stores or appends the result in the variable named A_target.
'## It may be called with either a target and a varname as two strings or a
'## target as a string and an array of variable names in varname.
'## The function inserts the new value of the variable into the oVarVeys and
'## $varvals hashes. It is not necessary for a variable to exist in these hashes
'## before calling this function.
'## An optional third parameter allows the value for each varname to be appended
'## to the existing target variable instead of replacing it. The default is to
'## replace.
'## If A_target and A_varname are both strings, the substituted value of the
'## variable A_varname is inserted into or appended to A_target.
'## Returns: the last value assigned to A_target.
'## usage: oTemplate.Parse string A_target, string A_varname, boolean A_append
'## usage: string = oTemplate.Parse( string A_target, string A_varname, boolean A_append )
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.Parse string A_target, array(A_varname1, A_varname2, ...) , boolean A_append
'## usage: string = oTemplate.Parse( string A_target, array(A_varname1, A_varname2, ...), boolean A_append)
'## @param A_target a string containing the name of the variable into which substituted $varnames are to be stored
'## @param A_varname if a string, the name the name of the variable to substitute or if an array a list of variables to be substituted
'## @param A_append if true, the substituted variables are appended to $target otherwise the existing value of $target is replaced
'## @access public
'## @return string
'## @see SubString
'## @same phplib::template->pparse
Public Function Parse(ByVal A_target, ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_append)
Dim MM_String, i, num
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Parse: (with scalar) target = " & A_target & ", varname = " & A_varname & ", append = " & A_append & "
" & VbCrLf
MM_String = SubString(A_varname)
if A_append = True Then
MM_String = GetVar(A_target) & MM_String
Call SetVar(A_target, MM_String)
Call SetVar(A_target, MM_String)
End If
num = Ubound(A_varname)
For i = 0 To num
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Parse: (with array) target = " & A_target & ", varname = " & A_varname(i) & ", append = " & A_append & "
" & VbCrLf
MM_String = SubString(A_varname(i))
if A_append = True Then
MM_String = GetVar(A_target) & MM_String
Call SetVar(A_target, MM_String)
Call SetVar(A_target, MM_String)
End If
End If
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Parse: completed
" & VbCrLf
Parse = MM_String
End Function
'## This is shorthand for print Parse(...) and is functionally identical.
'## See Parse for further details.
'## Returns: always returns void.
'## usage: oTemplate.Write string A_target, string A_varname
'## @param A_target a string containing the name of the variable into which substituted $varnames are to be stored
'## @param A_varname if a string, the name the name of the variable to substitute or if an array a list of variables to be substituted
'## @access public
'## @return void
'## @see Parse
Public Sub Write(ByVal A_target, ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_string
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Write: passing parameters to parse...
" & VbCrLf
MM_string = Parse(A_target, A_varname, False)
MM_string = Finish(MM_string)
Response.Write MM_string
End Sub
'## @see Write
Public Sub AppendWrite(ByVal A_target, ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_string
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
Write: passing parameters to parse...
" & VbCrLf
MM_string = Parse(A_target, A_varname, True)
MM_string = Finish(MM_string)
Response.Write MM_string
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->pparse
Public Sub pparse(ByVal A_target, ByVal A_varname, ByVal A_append)
If CBool(A_append) = True Then
Call AppendWrite(A_target, A_varname)
Call Write(A_target, A_varname)
End If
End Sub
'## This function returns an associative object of all defined variables with the
'## name as the key and the value of the variable as the value.
'## This is mostly useful for debugging. Also note that $this->debug can be used
'## to echo all variable assignments as they occur and to trace execution.
'## Returns: a hash of all defined variable values keyed by their names.
'## usage: oTemplate.get_vars()
'## @access public
'## @return object
Public Function GetVars()
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
GetVars: constructing dictionary of vars...
" & VbCrLf
Set GetVars = m_oVarVals
End Function
'## @same phplib::template->get_vars
Public Function get_vars()
Set get_vars = GetVars()
End Function
'## This function returns the value of the variable named by A_varname.
'## If A_varname references a file and that file has not been loaded yet, the
'## variable will be reported as empty.
'## When called with an array of variable names this function will return a a
'## hash of variable values keyed by their names.
'## Returns: a string or an array containing the value of $varname.
'## usage: GetVar(string A_varname)
'## or
'## usage: GetVar(array A_varname)
'## @param A_varname if a string, the name the name of the variable to get the value of, or if an array a list of variables to return the value of
'## @access public
'## @return string or object
Public Function GetVar(ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_String, MM_oVars, i, num
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
'MM_String = ""
if A_varname <> "" Then
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname) Then
MM_String = m_oVarVals.Item(A_varname)
End If
End If
If Debug = 2 Then Response.Write "GetVar: (with scalar) " & A_varname & " = " & Server.HTMLEncode(MM_String) & "
" & VbCrLf
GetVar = MM_String
Set MM_oVars = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
num = UBound(A_varname)
For i=0 To num
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname(i)) Then
MM_String = m_oVarVals.Item(A_varname(i))
MM_oVars.Add A_varname(i), MM_String
End If
If Debug = 2 Then Response.Write "GetVar: (with array) " & A_varname(i) & " = " & Server.HTMLEncode(MM_String) & "
" & VbCrLf
Set GetVar = MM_oVars
End If
End Function
'## @same phplib::template->get_var
Public Function get_var(ByVal A_varname)
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
get_var = GetVar(A_varname)
Set get_var = GetVar(A_varname)
End If
End Function
'## This functions clears the value of a variable.
'## It may be called with either a varname as a string or an array with the
'## values being the varnames to be cleared.
'## The function sets the value of the variable in the oVarKeys and oVarVals
'## hashes to "". It is not necessary for a variable to exist in these hashes
'## before calling this function.
'## usage: oTemplate.ClearVar string A_varname
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.ClearVar array (A_varname1, A_varname2, ...)
'## @param $varname either a string containing a varname or an array of varnames.
'## @access public
'## @return void
Public Sub ClearVar(ByVal A_varname)
Dim i, num
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If A_varname <> "" Then
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "clear_var: (with scalar) " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
Call SetVar(A_varname, "")
End If
num = UBound(A_varname)
For i=0 To num
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "clear_var: (with array) " & A_varname(i) & "
" & VbCrLf
Call SetVar(A_varname(i), "")
End If
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->clear_var
Public Sub clear_var(ByVal A_varname)
Call ClearVar(A_varname)
End Sub
'## This functions unsets a variable completely.
'## It may be called with either a varname as a string or an array with the
'## values being the varnames to be cleared.
'## The function removes the variable from the oVarKeys and oVarVals hashes.
'## It is not necessary for a variable to exist in these hashes before calling
'## this function.
'## usage: oTemplate.unSetVar string A_varname
'## or
'## usage: oTemplate.unSetVar array(A_varname1, A_varname2, ...)
'## @param A_varname either a string containing a varname or an array of varnames.
'## @access public
Public Sub unSetVar(ByVal A_varname)
Dim i, num
If Not IsArray(A_varname) Then
If A_varname <> "" Then
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "unSetVar: (with scalar) " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
If m_oVarKeys.Exists(A_varname) Then
m_oVarKeys.Remove A_varname
End If
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname) Then
m_oVarVals.Remove A_varname
End If
End If
num = UBound(A_varname)
For i=0 To num
If A_varname(i) <> "" Then
If Debug = 1 Then Response.Write "unSetVar: (with array) " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
If m_oVarKeys.Exists(A_varname(i)) Then
m_oVarKeys.Remove A_varname(i)
End If
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname(i)) Then
m_oVarVals.Remove A_varname(i)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
'## @same phplib::template->unset_var
Public Sub unset_var(ByVal A_varname)
Call unSetVar(A_varname)
End Sub
'## This function returns a hash of unresolved variable names in A_varname, keyed
'## by their names.
'## Returns: a hash of varname/varname pairs or false on error.
'## usage: GetUndefined(string A_varname)
'## @param A_varname a string containing the name the name of the variable to scan for unresolved variables
'## @access public
'## @return array
Public Function GetUndefined(ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_String, MM_result
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
GetUndefined: varname = " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
If Not loadfile(A_varname) Then
Call halt("get_undefined: unable to load " & A_varname & ".")
GetUndefined = False
Exit Function
End If
MM_String = GetVar(A_varname)
'Set MM_result = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
m_oRegExp.Global = True
m_oRegExp.Pattern = "(" & BeginTag & ")([^ \t\r\n" & EndTag &"]+)" & EndTag
Set Matches = m_oRegExp.Execute(MM_String)
i = 0
For Each Match In Matches
if Not m_oVarVals.Exists(Match.SubMatches(1)) Then
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
get_undefined: undefined: " & SubMatches(1) & "
" & VbCrLf
'MM_result.Add Match.SubMatches(1), Match.SubMatches(1)
MM_result(i) = Match.SubMatches(1)
i = i + 1
End If
'if MM_result.Count > 0 Then
' Set GetUndefined = MM_result
If IsArray(MM_result) Then
GetUndefined = MM_result
GetUndefined = False
End If
End Function
'## @same phplib::template->get_undefined
Public Function get_undefined(ByVal A_varname)
get_undefined = GetUndefined
End Function
'## This function returns the finished version of $str. That is, the policy
'## regarding unresolved variable names will be applied to $str.
'## Returns: a finished string derived from A_String and unknowns.
'## usage: Finish(string A_String)
'## @param A_String a string to which to apply the unresolved variable policy
'## @access public
'## @return string
'## @see Unknowns, SetUnknowns, set_unknowns
Public Function Finish(ByVal A_String)
Dim MM_String
Select Case Unknowns
case "keep"
MM_String = A_String
case "remove"
m_oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
m_oRegExp.Global = True
m_oRegExp.Pattern = "(" & BeginTag & ")([^ \t\r\n" & EndTag &"]+)" & EndTag
MM_String = m_oRegExp.Replace(A_String, "")
case "comment"
m_oRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
m_oRegExp.Global = True
m_oRegExp.Pattern = "(" & BeginTag & ")([^ \t\r\n" & EndTag &"]+)" & EndTag
Set Matches = m_oRegExp.Execute(A_String)
For Each Match In Matches
MM_String = m_oRegExp.Replace(A_String, "
End Select
Finish = MM_String
End Function
'## This function returns the finished version of the value of the variable named
'## by $varname. That is, the policy regarding unresolved variable names will be
'## applied to the variable A_varname and the result returned.
'## Returns: a finished string derived from the variable A_varname.
'## usage: oTemplate.GetVariable(string A_varname)
'## @param A_varname a string containing the name of the variable to finish
'## @access public
'## @return string
'## @see SetUnknowns
'## @see Finish
Public Function GetVariable(ByVal A_varname)
GetVariable = Finish(GetVar(A_varname))
End Function
'Public Function get(ByVal A_varname)
'End Function
'## This function prints the finished version of the value of the variable named
'## by $varname. That is, the policy regarding unresolved variable names will be
'## applied to the variable A_varname then it will be printed.
'## usage: oTemplate.WriteVariable string A_varname
'## @param A_varname a string containing the name of the variable to finish and print
'## @access public
'## @see SetUnknowns
'## @see Finish
Public Sub WriteVariable(ByVal A_varname)
Response.Write Finish(GetVal(A_varname))
End Sub
'## @see WriteVariable
'## @same phplib::template->p
Public Sub p(ByVal A_varname)
Call WriteVariable(A_varname)
End Sub
'## When called with a relative pathname, this function will return the pathname
'## with Root prepended. Absolute pathnames are returned unchanged.
'## Returns: a string containing an absolute pathname.
'## usage: filename(string A_filename)
'## @param A_filename a string containing a filename
'## @access private
'## @return string
'## @see Root, SetRoot
'## @same phplib::template->filename
Private Function filename(ByVal A_filename)
Dim MM_FSO, MM_filename, MM_TempFilename, rs, sql
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
filename: filename = " & A_filename & "
" & VbCrLf
If Mode = "file" Then
Set MM_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Left(A_filename, 1) = "/" Then
A_filename = Right(A_filename, len(A_filename) - 1)
End If
A_filename = Root & A_filename
A_filename = Server.MapPath(A_filename)
If Not MM_FSO.FileExists(A_filename) Then
Call halt("filename: file " & A_filename & " does not exist.")
MM_filename = A_filename
End If
ElseIf Mode = "db" Then
A_filename = Split(A_filename, ".")
MM_TempFilename = A_filename(0)
sql = "SELECT tpldata_id FROM " & DataTable & " WHERE tplcat_id =" & Root &" AND tpldata_name='" & MM_TempFilename &"'"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, m_oConn, AdOpenForwardOnly, AdLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If rs.EOF Then
Call halt("filename: file " & MM_TempFilename & " does not exist.")
MM_filename = rs("tpldata_id")
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
filename: sql = " & sql & "
" & VbCrLf
End If
filename = MM_filename
End Function
'## If a variable's value is undefined and the variable has a filename stored in
'## ofile.Item(A_varname) then the backing file will be loaded and the file's
'## contents will be assigned as the variable's value.
'## Note that the behaviour of this function changed slightly after the 7.2d
'## release. Where previously a variable was reloaded from file if the value
'## was empty, now this is not done. This allows a variable to be loaded then
'## set to "", and also prevents attempts to load empty variables. Files are
'## now only loaded if oVarVals.Item(A_varname) is unset.
'## Returns: true on success, false on error.
'## usage: loadfile(string A_varname)
'## @param A_varname a string containing the name of a variable to load
'## @access private
'## @return boolean
'## @see SetFile, SetFiles
'## @same phplib::template->loadfile
Private Function loadfile(ByVal A_varname)
Dim MM_FSO, MM_oFile, MM_filename, MM_FileSting, MM_bool
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
loadfile: varname = " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
MM_bool = true
If Not m_oFile.Exists(A_varname) Then
loadfile = MM_bool
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
loadfile: varname " & A_varname & " does not reference a file
" & VbCrLf
Exit Function
End If
If m_oVarVals.Exists(A_varname) Then
loadfile = MM_bool
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "
loadfile: varname " & A_varname & " is already loaded
" & VbCrLf
Exit Function
End If
MM_filename = m_oFile.Item(A_varname)
If Mode = "file" Then
Set MM_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MM_oFile = MM_FSO.OpenTextFile(MM_filename)
MM_FileSting = MM_oFile.ReadAll
'MM_FileSting = Trim(MM_FileSting)
If MM_FileSting = "" Then
MM_bool = false
Call halt("loadfile: While loading " & A_varname & ", " & MM_filename & " does not exist or is empty.")
If Debug = 4 Then Response.Write "loadfile: loaded " & MM_filename & " into " & A_varname & "
" & VbCrLf
Call SetVar(A_varname, MM_FileSting)
End If
Set MM_oFile = Nothing
set FSO = nothing
ElseIf Mode = "db" Then
sql = "SELECT tpldata_text FROM " & DataTable & " WHERE tpldata_id =" & MM_filename
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, m_oConn, AdOpenForwardOnly, AdLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If rs.EOF Then
MM_bool = false
Call halt("filename: file " & MM_TempFilename & " does not exist.")
MM_FileSting = rs("tpldata_text")
Call SetVar(A_varname, MM_FileSting)
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If Debug = 3 Then Response.Write "
loadfile: sql = " & sql & "
" & VbCrLf
End If
loadfile = MM_bool
End Function
'## This function will construct a regexp for a given variable name with any
'## special chars quoted.
'## Returns: a string containing an escaped variable name.
'## usage: varname(string A_varname)
'## @param A_varname a string containing a variable name
'## @access private
'## @return string
'## @same phplib::template->varname
Private Function varname(ByVal A_varname)
varname = BeginTag & A_varname & EndTag
End Function
'## This function is called whenever an error occurs and will handle the error
'## according to the policy defined in IsHalt. Additionally the
'## error message will be saved in m_strLastError.
'## Returns: always returns false.
'## usage: halt(string A_message)
'## @param $msg a string containing an error message
'## @access private
'## @return void
'## @see IsHalt
Private Sub halt(ByVal A_message)
m_strLastError = A_message
If IsHalt <> "no" Then Call haltmsg(A_message)
If IsHalt = "yes" Then
Response.Write "Halted."
End If
End Sub
'## This function prints an error message.
'## It can be overridden by your subclass of Template. It will be called with an
'## error message to display.
'## usage: haltmsg(string A_message)
'## @param A_message a string containing the error message to display
'## @access public
'## @return void
'## @see halt
Public Sub haltmsg(ByVal A_message)
Response.Write "Template Error:" & A_message & "
End Sub
'## Class constructor, set class default attributes, you can change it
'## @see Property Let Debug
'## @see Property Let Mode
'## @see Property Let CatTable
'## @see Property Let DataTable
'## @see Property Let Unknown
'## @see Property Let IsHalt
'## @see Property Let BeginTag
'## @see Property Let EndTag
Private Sub class_Initialize
Debug = 0
Mode = "file"
CatTable = "TplCat"
DataTable = "TplData"
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