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Fieldrunners 2 地图攻略

时间:2012/8/19 8:47:56来源:www.pc6.com作者:lff我要评论(0)

  Fieldrunners 2的中文名字是坚守阵地又被翻译炮塔防御,本文章将提供地图功略及地图阵型攻略,不过是英文的,相信很多朋友是喜欢的。

   Last Limbo - Final Waves


  Mean Streets (Heroic) - Requires 5 mine/5 fire and a couple freeze.

  Stage 1 - Do the first line of gatlings and upgrade top ones, use fire as shown in screen so you can get a spark tower.


  Stage 2 - Continue to get the other 2 spark towers when you can and upgrade them. Build the next line of gatlings and sparks when you can then save the airstrike until the very last moment you can.


  Stage 3 - Use your items against the large groups and continue the same pattern of towers and again save the airstrike for the final moment which should take you to 1000+ as shown in final screen.



  Hocus Poke Us (Heroic)




  Carnie Guarding




  Cardio Canyon (Heroic)



  Heroic Curious Gorge


  Frying Pan (Heroic)


  Frying Pan (Heroic) Perfect



  Twist of Fate






  Broken Branch


  Home on DeRange (Includes Endless)


  Twisted Turnpike


  Bizarre Bazaar (Heroic)


  Default towers/No lives lost (Casual)


  Dryer Straights (Heroic)


  Default Towers/No lives lost (Casual)


  Cardio Canyon (Tough)


  Curious Gorge (Tough) Tip: Save Airstrike for Round 31


  Alternative Setup (Casual) using earlier towers.



  The Frying Pan (Tough)


  Ring of Fire (Heroic)


  High Steaks (Heroic)


  End of Doom (Heroic)


  End of Doom (Casual)




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