怎么激活作弊码:暂停游戏 => 主菜单选择额外内容(Extras) => 输入秘籍(Enter Code)
How to activate codes: You can enter these codes from the game’s Main Menu (when you pause the game) then selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code”. After which you can activate the cheats in the menu.
红砖 Red Brick Codes
双倍得分红砖 “Studs Score Multiplier x 2″ Red Brick — 5MZ73E
乐高罐侦测器红砖 “Minikit Detector” Red Brick — JYJAFX
角色 Character Codes
女骑兵 ACU Trooper (Female) — AU25GR
男骑兵 ACU Trooper (Male) — 28SPSR
卡洛斯 Carlos — VK3TP3
卡特 Carter — 9GESXP
库珀 Cooper — 5BETZ5
韦恩·奈特和他的夏威夷衬衫 Dennis Nedry (Costa Rica) with his Hawaiian shirt — RAVKRT
迪特尔·斯塔克 Dieter Stark — EKCKLC
恐龙驯养者 Dino Handler Vic or Bob — YQ6S7Z
艾莉 Ellie Degler — AV9DTJ
乔什 Gyrosphere Operator Josh — 9NGZZQ
亨利 Henry Wu (Jurassic World) — A3HC7E
InGen Guard Jerry — QKBCWT
InGen Hunter — 38YWVR
InGen Mechanic AKA InGen Hunter 3 — RMVVB8
InGen Mercenary AKA InGen Contractor — VZRSD3
InGen Scout AKA InGen Hunter 1 — 8XL359
Jimmy Fallon from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — 6MKHSG
John Hammond (Lost World) — PR2R6Y
Juanito Rostagno — XTH9A3
侏罗纪公园司机 Jurassic Park Driver AKA Jeep Driver — 3FE78R (unlocks Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle at the same time)
侏罗纪公园看守(女) Jurassic Park Warden (Female) — 8WY3FV
侏罗纪公园看守(男) Jurassic Park Warden (Male) — XJS7UY
侏罗纪世界牧场工人 Jurassic World Paddock Worker — BX9Z6R
侏罗纪世界游骑兵 Jurassic World Ranger — GW9TGH
Jurassic World Worker AKA Jurassic World Ranger (Female) — L5AU6Y
Nash (Runway) — BRLNWC
Raptor Handler Jenny — SXZ7CC
S.S. Venture Crewman — 62539J
男科学家 Scientist (Female) — XVXGXF
女科学家 Scientist (Male) — SKKLWC
Udesky (Alt) — PFEBS6
Young Raptor Handler from Jurassic World — 7VNLJT
恐龙 Dinosaur Codes
甲龙 Ankylosaurus — PAAADT (经测试3DS和PSV也适用 Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
美颌龙 Compsognathus — KAAAWV (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
双脊龙 Dilophosaurus — HAAAVW (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
转基因暴龙(意为难以驯服的国王) Indominus Rex — GAAAAC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
肿头龙 Pachycephalosaurus — IAAADT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
棘龙 Spinosaurus — MAAARF (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
剑龙 Stegosaurus — FAAAVT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
三角龙 Triceratops — AAAADC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
霸王龙(暴龙) Tyrannosaurus Rex — CAAADT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
迅猛龙 Velociraptor — DDDFAC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)
载具 Vehicle Codes
Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle — 3FE78R (同时解锁侏罗纪公园司机 unlocks Jurassic Park Driver at the same time)
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