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最新最热下载排行Plex iPad版v8.26千帆直播iPad版v5.9.78爱奇艺iPad版v14.9.6腾讯游戏人生iPad版v3.7.12搜狐视频iPad版v9.9.10AcFun iPad客户端v6.70.0MX Player iPad版v5.7.65花椒直播iPad版v8.9.2QQ游戏大厅iPad版V1.4芒果TV iPad版v7.0.3爱奇艺iPad版v14.9.6优酷iPad版v11.0.42影音先锋iPad版V2.6.0YY iPad版v6.14.0PPTV iPad版v5.4.8腾讯视频iPad版v8.9.10

换一换相关推荐爱奇艺iPad版v14.9.6搜狐视频iPad版v9.9.10优酷iPad版v11.0.42腾讯视频iPad版v8.9.10迅雷iPad版 v2.0.11芒果TV iPad版v7.0.3乐视iPad版v6.8.17YY iPad版v6.14.0PPTV iPad版v5.4.8风行视频iPad版v2.3.1.3土豆iPad版v5.5.7暴风影音iPad版v6.2.2QQ游戏大厅iPad版V1.4网易菠萝视频iPad版V1.0.0爱奇艺PPS iPad版V6.3.6KK唱响iPad版V1.0.6迅雷看看iPad版V4.21CNTV iPad版V5.3.1爱奇艺动画片iPad版V4.1乐看记录片iPad版V2.020郭德纲精选集iPad版V1.1.5动漫视频大全iPad版V1.3英雄联盟高清视频iPad版V1.31006视频for英雄联盟iPad版V3.7搞笑视频集锦iPad版V3.2.8QQ影音ipad版V1.7.1

Plex iPad版

Plex iPad版




等级:类型:iPad影音娱乐更新:2023/10/12 18:22大小:19.1M版本:v8.26语言:简体官网:http://www.pc6.com作者:Plex Inc.


为您推荐:iPad影音娱乐 网络电视 直播

  Plex iPad版是专为iPad用户推出的一款强大的视频播放软件。Plex iPad版支持几乎所有的视频音乐格式,一个播放器满足你一切的看片听音乐需求,重要的是Plex iPad版提供完全免费的媒体服务。喜欢的朋友快来下载吧!

  Plex iPad版不仅拥有强大的功能、绚丽的界面、对HD-DVD和蓝光BluRay-DVD等高清视频的良好支持(但不支持蓝光原盘iso播放, 只能选择是mediastream的ts文件),而且针对多核心CPU、GPU硬解码等硬件做了充分优化。 Plex播放器实现了PC上的media player classic那样的强大功能和低资源占用、苹果电脑MacOSX的UI界面 (且支持自定义皮肤) 以及Apple TV般的简洁操作 (单独使用遥控器、键盘或鼠标即可) 的融合。 Plex支持各种插件, 譬如Apple Movie Trailers, YouTuebe, Hulu, ESPN等.可以看他们提供的各种视频. 其中Apple Movie Trailers是我最喜欢的,能看最新的各种预告片。


  - Plex的让你的美丽媒体具有丰富的描述,艺术品和其他元数据。

  - 上的即时在任何设备上播放Plex的自动转换你的媒体。

  - 轻松与家人和朋友分享您的媒体。

  - 浏览,一扔任何Plex的功能的设备上控制您的媒体,包括谷歌Chromecast

  - 媒体同步到您的手机或平板电脑进行离线观看(Plex的通行证)

  - 媒体同步到您最喜爱的云服务提供商,包括谷歌驱动器,Dropbox的,和盒子,这样你就可以串流媒体甚至当你的服务器处于脱机状态(Plex的通行证)

  - 访问范围广泛的线上渠道,如TED,Revision3的,并强烈抵制的。

  - 从队列等网站或是Vimeo和YouTube在线视频,后来在任何设备上观看。



- Added a "Cast & Crew" details screen accessible from the new "Cast & Crew" hub.
- The "Cast" hub on media details screens has been replaced by the "Cast & Crew" hub and now also includes crew members.

- View All links would show on hubs that contained no additional content.
- View All links would sometimes disappear.
Increased quality of uploaded profile images.
- Hubs that can be tapped to show an additional screen display a disclosure indicator.

- When signing out, would temporarily display home screen rather than welcome screen.
- Sign In with Face ID would sometimes not show the Face ID prompt after switching between users.
- Successful app unlock would sometimes display an error message.
v8.19.1Adjustments to the sign up process for some regions.
- Moved 'View all' button from above hubs to the end of the row.

- Fixed a certificate authentication issue that could cause download failures from some servers.
- Streaming services can be included in search results.

- Fixed a bug which meant episode artwork wasn't displayed on a download.
- Improved design of downloads list.
- Add/remove from My Services added to navigation bar on Discover service pages.
- Improved reliability of background downloads.

- Remove third blank option on privacy settings.
- Add/remove from My Services added to long press actions on Discover services.

- Fixed a crash that could occur opening the Timeline on a Photos library.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect file paths could cause a download to fail.
- Opening a person details screen would sometimes cause a media server to start a scan for new items.
- Person details screens will now fall back to the classic grid view when there is no internet connection.
- The streaming services settings screen now groups different plans offered by the same service under a single item.
- You can now navigate directly to the details of a movie or show by long pressing on its trailer in Discover.

- Avatars for some user's servers would be missing in search results and Discover details screens.
- Context menus for items from Discover would incorrectly include actions to add the item to the play queue.
- Fix stuttering playback that could occur with certain files.
- In some cases Direct Stream DoVi playbacks wouldn't display correctly.
- Playback errors are now presented in a persistent alert message rather than a notification that quickly disappears.
- Playback of Movies & Shows on Plex could fail after watching certain Live TV channels and vice-versa.
- The details screen for a miniseries opened from the activity feed would incorrectly display the series' season instead of its episodes.
- A count of the available seasons of a show are now displayed next to media server results in the "Watch from these locations" section of media details screens.
- Added an option to dismiss the "Find What To Watch, Anywhere!" banner in Discover.

- Fixed a bug so all directors names are now displayed on the preplay screen.
- Fixed share sheet character count and pasting issues.
- Resolution information was missing from episodes available on media servers in the "Watch from these locations" section of media details screens.
- Resolution information was missing from movies on people pages.
- App icon picker screen has been redesigned.
- Libraries with the "Include Adult Content" setting enabled are no longer excluded from people pages or the "Watch from these locations" hub on media details screens.
- New launch animation.

- It is again possible to enable signing in with Face ID or Touch ID in account settings on supported devices.
- Now showing correct custom thumbnail for playlists if one has been set.
- Ratings would not be displayed when sorting a library by audience rating.
- When sorting a library by rating, the rating of unrated items would show as 0%.
- Colors could be washed out when playing 10-bit SDR content.
- Added more descriptive errors for failed downloads.
- Long pressing a search result for an item available in multiple libraries now opens a context menu.
- Selecting a media library from the "Media Libraries" section of a person details screen now opens a unified view of all items in the library that the person has acted, directed, produced or written.

- Album artists and titles would be reversed when browsing a library containing mixed content from TIDAL and a personal media server.
- Fixed an issue causing color banding in HDR content when using the modern video player.
- Pictures of cast members on media details screens were sometimes square.
- The layout of search results could break when searching a server with a ludicrously long name.
- Fixed ChromeCast position on iOS Cast menu.
- Downloads: Fix for downloaded music tracks repeatedly removed and re-downloaded.
- Downloads: Switch to software transcode after hardware transcode failure.
- Downloads: Updated imagery.
- Edition information is now shown in more places.

- Lock to Landscape caused the playback controls to be much bigger than they should be on iOS 16.
- You can now AirPlay Live TV to compatible devices.

- Long pressing a search result for a person would incorrectly open a context menu.
- New font for headings and titles.
- Added a hub of popular searches to the search screen.
- Price information is now displayed next to purchasable external items on Discover media detail screens.

- Added ratings back to context menu for tracks.
- Discover media detail screens would only show the first 20 seasons or episodes of a show.
- Fix an issue where a message notification might not open to the message.
- Live TV playback didn't work when using the old video player, or auto adjust quality.
- A crash could occur when receiving an error from Plex Media Servers running 1.28.2.
- Fixed bug causing high battery drain.
- Fixed crash that could occur with background music playback.
v8.7.1Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Now automatically removing legacy synced media items.
- Added a link to the streaming service settings screen from Discover's source settings menu.
- The Free on Demand search section now includes genres.

- Crash when opening the details of an item from your watchlist or Discover.
- Dolby Vision Profile 5 video playback did not work correctly (fix also requires Plex Media Server update)
- Items in the "Watch from these locations" hub were slow to load if a server was offline.
- Seasons with no episodes would show as watched.
- The "Similar Titles in Free To Watch" hub would appear when the Movies & TV source is disabled.
- Added support for searching for free Live TV channels.
- Non-preferred services are now hidden in the 'Watch from these locations' section on the Discover media details screen.

- Fixed an issue with transcoded downloads failing.
- Fixed an issue with album track titles being empty in certain scenarios.
- Fixed issue of the info text not being displayed correctly on the media details screen.
- Users in a Plex Home would not have access to search results from More Ways to Watch.
- Crash or hanging that could occur during sign in.
- Sometimes photos would stop loading correctly after swiping through a large number of photos.
- The share button was missing from Discover's universal details screens.
- Updated launch animation.

- Discover would sometimes be selected as the default location for playlists.
- Fixed an issue where an album's metadata could overlap with its title on the album info screen.
- Fixed issue that meant episodes with years rather than numeric seasons were prefixed with "S" or "Season" on the homescreen and media details screen.
- Hubs on the home screen would not update immediately after pinning or unpinning a source.
- The watchlist would get stuck in an endless loading state when removing the last item with a filter applied.
- A message in Discover to select streaming services appearing in countries without any services.
- A possible crash when closing the Discover what's new screen.
- In some cases ad playback could be paused with no way to resume.
- Search results from Other Videos libraries would include "movie" in the subtitle.
- Streaming service selection screen is no longer shown during set-up in countries with no services.
- Added a setting to disable More Ways to Watch in search.
- Managed users would have access to disabled online media sources after switching users.
- Mark as played actions being displayed for artists, albums, photos and collections.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Free Movies & TV Shows playbacks to freeze unexpectedly.
- Picture in Picture now works without switching back to the old player, meaning switching is more seamless and less content will require transcoding.

- Arrow keys can skip forward and backward during playback on iOS 15.
- Fixed an issue playing Live TV channels from XMLTV guides with channel identifiers containing spaces or other special characters.
- Fix potential crash in friends list.
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate items in your sidebar.
- Very long audio files would sometimes fail to play.

NOTE: In an upcoming release we will drop support for iOS 13 and older, this will be one of the last releases to support those versions.



Plex iPad版类型:iPad影音娱乐








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虎牙直播iOS版v5.3.012.6M / 简体 / 8.3下载

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同类热门爱奇艺iPad版v14.9.6搜狐视频iPad版v9.9.10优酷iPad版v11.0.42腾讯视频iPad版v8.9.10迅雷iPad版 v2.0.11芒果TV iPad版v7.0.3乐视iPad版v6.8.17



Plex iPad版 V4.0.8(Store)