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东方试闻广纪正确选择答案一览 东方试闻广纪游戏攻略

时间:2018/8/8 9:13:47来源:www.pc6.com作者:佚名我要评论(0)

东方试闻广纪(Perfect Memento of Touhou Question)是一款有关东方的知识问答类游戏,下面来分享一下东方试闻广纪正确选择答案,给大家一个参考。



Questions Part I

【✖】<Immaterial and Missing Power>>is not trustworthy due to the lack of ZUN's involvement

【✔】<Imperishable Night> had a Phantasm level.

【✔】<Perfect Memento in Strict Sense> is no the name they show in Gensokyo.

【✖】A magician most be likely has a weak body, it's because they doesn't exercise enough.

【✔】A meteorite almost hit the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

【✖】After the incident, Kyouko Kasodani never begin to shout or anything, she would only chanting in the temple.

【✔】After the incident, Seiran and Ringo just lives in the Gensokyo instead of the Moon.

【✖】After the incident, Shinmyoumaru was treated well and never be forcibly detained.

【✖】All protagonits in the official shooting games have their music.

【✔】Although Gensokyo is in Japan, there are Chinese antiques in Gensokyo.

【✖】Anything if their "Truth" be taken away from Nue Houjuu, their origin looking can not be seen from any means.

【✖】As long as Sagume Kisin tells a thing, the result of this event is bound to be contrary to her prediction.

【✖】As the Mishaguji, Moriya Suwako has a bad temper, a little unhappy will makes her want to kill.

【✖】At the time of the incident, The geyser is only a normal onsen that is a little hot.

【✖】Aunn Komano is a komainu that hide way before the incident break out, she showed herself up after the incident.

【✔】Aya Shameimaru is an Ovipara, not a Viviparity creature.

【✔】Aya Shameimaru's name comes from MMS.

【✔】Aya Shameimaru's newspaper is not named as <Bunbunmaru Newspaper>.

【✖】Because of Cirno's habit of frozing frog, she got devoured by Suwako's giant frog for once.

【✖】Before meeting Eirin, Kaguya was alone in the Earth.

【✖】Before the incident, only Yukari Yakumo knows the identity of Okina Matara

【✔】Benben Tsukumo and Yatsuhashi Tsukumo have no genetic relationship.

【✖】Byakuren Hijiri is a human that is rare in Gensokyo.

【✔】Cirno is the strongest fairy in the Misty Lake.

【✖】Clownpiece is an American flag youkai.

【✖】Different from Yukari, Yuyuko has no worry in the topic of her ages.

【✖】Doremy Sweet is short hair.

【✔】Eirin has a great respect for Inchling.

【✔】Eternity Larva is a character with secret.

【✖】Even Nazrin is a rat youkai, she is actually really bold.

【✖】Flandre Scarlet can't move freely in the mansion.

【✔】Gensokyo's science and technology are way better than our real world in some way.

【✔】Hata no Kokoro does not value the hope mask that Miko made for her.

【✖】Hata no Kokoro's masks is made by Toyosatomimi no Miko's servent, Hata no Kawakatsu.

【✖】Hecatia Lapislazuli has no intension to kill Chang'e, she help Junko just because Junko being her friend.

【✖】Hermit will be attacked by shinigami like Komachi Onoduka.

【✔】Hina kagiyama is said to be the god of misfortune, but she in fact is a youkai.

【✖】Human who try to make them live longer than usual will be attack by shinigami.

【✔】Ichirin Kumoi is a magician.

【✔】If a villager is in trouble, Toyosatomimi no Miko is always on call.

【✔】Iku nagae's cloth has a use of hunting a spouse.

【✖】In Koumakan, there are only fariy servents.

【✖】In a youkai mountain Flume Ride game, although Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is one of compet-i-t-o-rs, but all the time it's just Wakasagihime that swimming for her, she didn't do anything to win the game.

【✖】In gensokyo there is something that can people lazy, people who got that can't be saved.

【✖】It's totally coincident that Myouren Temple was built on top of the place where Toyosatomimi no Miko will be reborn from


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