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东方试闻广纪正确选择答案一览 东方试闻广纪游戏攻略

时间:2018/8/8 9:13:47来源:www.pc6.com作者:佚名我要评论(0)

2 页 正确答案第二部分

【✖】Junko and Chang'e are the same person.

【✖】Kagerou Imaizumi was a werewolf in Europe.

【✖】Kaguya Houraisan is stronger than Eirin Yagokoro.

【✖】Kanako yasaka is the god of mountain.

【✖】Kappa are youkai from water, but their machines wouldn't doing fine with water, so they will leave water for their machines.

【✔】Kappas are not only good at machinery, but also good at making medicine.

【✖】Kasen Ibaraki lives near the Hakurei Shrine.

【✔】Keine Kamishirasawa was not a youkai before.

【✖】Kogasa Tarara comes from a classical Japanese youkai, one-eyed youkai Ippondatara.

【✔】Kogasa Tatara is a forging master.

【✔】Kogasa Tatara is different from a lot of youkais, she doesn't eat human

【✔】Kogasa Tarara likes to be a babysitter.

【✖】Koishi Komeiji is actually well-mannerd, she would never show a threat.

【✔】Letty Whiterock was once be seen as a incident charge by Reimu Hakurei

【✖】Lily Black and Lily White are two different fairies.

【✔】Lily White has the power of making flowers blooming.

【✔】Mamizou Futatsuiwa is afraid of humans.

【✖】Mamizou Futatsuiwa is the only Bake-daniku in Gensokyo.

【✔】Maribel Hearn and Yukari Yakumo have close relations to their names.

【✔】Marisa Kirisame have been stolen by other people for many times.

【✔】Marisa Kirisame's bullet tastes sweet.

【✖】Medicine Melancholy is born to have the power of controling posion.

【✔】Minamitsu Murasa is not a youkai, but a ghost.

【✔】Minoriko Aki runs a shop of roasted sweet potato.

【✖】Momiji Inubashiri has good relationship with Aya Shameimaru.

【✖】Momiji Inubashiri never has any offical face reveal.

【✖】Mononobe no Futo is too old fashioned and unable to adapt herself to worldly thinking.

【✖】Mononobe no Futo treats youkai and human the same, never be prejudiced against one specie

【✖】Mystia Lorelei has a shop of roast bird meat.

【✖】Narumi Yatadera and Marisa Kirisame never meet before the incident.

【✖】Nemuno Sakata will kill whoever she invites to her house.

【✔】Nitori Kawashiro can analize the mechanical principle of the Perfect Possession.

【✔】Parsee Mizuhashi is a hypocritical youkai.

【✔】Patchouli Knowledge uses the Bagua symbol as a magic circle.

【✖】Phone and Tablet have no useage in Gensokyo, they are just trash.

【✔】Raiko Horikawa is one of the rare youkai that can leave Gensokyo by herself.

【✔】Ran Yakumo doesn't live with her shikigami---- Chen.

【✖】Ran Yakumo only has one shikigami.

【✖】Reimu Hakurei doesn't has much desires, she is very similar to a Hermit.

【✔】Reimu Hakurei doesn't belong to the Shinto religion.

【✖】Reimu Hakurei doesn't like hat so she never wears it.

【✖】Reisen Udongein Inaba had her name be made fully by Eirin Yagokoro.

【✔】Remilia Scarlet as a vampire scare of fried soya bean which an Oni should be scare of.

【✖】Remilia Scarlet has a spear called "Gungnir".

【✔】Rin Kaenbyou can talk to corpse.

【✖】Rin Satsuki the forbidden character appears to wear a large ribbon on her hair with cherry hair pins and a dress-like blouse and holds an erhu upside down.

【✔】Ringo eating dango isn't just for tasting, it's also good for battle.

【✔】Sagume Kishin is a kind of amanojaku.

【✖】Sanae Kochiya has no relationship with Suwako Moriya.

【✔】Sanae Kochiya is a god.



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