1Password iPhone版这是一款非常强的iPhone密码管理应用,1Password iPhone版能够管理你所有网站的密码,为不同的网站创建强且不重复的密码,并帮助您将它们一个一个牢牢记住。您只需轻轻一按即可登录。 做到一站一密,对于安全性来说大大提高。
1Password iOS版来自加拿大开发商 agilebits 的一款跨平台(Windows,Mac,Android,iPhone,iPad)密码管理应用,甚至是个人大部分信息管理应用,在业界知名已久。因为 1Password 使用的是 AES(advanced encryption standard)256 位加密,而非 OpenSSL,Heartbleed 并未对其造成影响。
1Password iOS版所有的个人信息都由且只由一个主密码(Master Password)看管,除了设置这个主密码的人,任何人都无法开启,包括应用程序开发商。所以保证这个密码的安全性够高,并且牢牢记住就够了。
1Password iOS版保存的所有数据都在本地,它提供的网络云同步数据也是加密后之后才同步。假如 iCloud 或者 Dropbox 有什么意外,这些数据都是如上所述加密的,只能被主密码(Master Password)开启,有几分飞机黑匣子的意味。这是 agilebits 官方过去针对 1Password 安全性的说明。

1Password 是一款精美的应用,它将您的所有重要信息存储在一个安全的保险库内
◆ 可以存储您的登录信息、信用卡资料、身份信息和安全笔记等。
◆ 无需记得密码,轻松登录网站。
◆ 无需打字即可填充信用卡资料和身份信息。
◆ 使用“收藏夹”来快速访问常用项目 。
◆ 强大的搜索功能让您可以快速查找所需的信息。
使用 1PASSWORD 来保护数据安全,1Password 保险库中的所有数据都由主密码保护,而主密码只有您一个人知道。 1Password 通过多种途径来保障数据安全:◆ 256 位 AES 认证加密技术保护您的数据。
◆ 自动锁定功能保障即使您的设备被偷或遗失数据仍然安全。
◆ 使用 Touch ID 来快速、安全地访问数据。
◆ 强密码生成工具为不同的网站创建强且不重复的密码。
◆ 安全地与您的其他 iOS 设备以及 Mac 或 PC 等版本 1Password 进行同步。

◆ 支持 iCloud,让同步安全且如苹果般简单。
◆ 支持 Dropbox,提供跨平台同步和共享功能。
◆ 支持 Wi-Fi 同步,让您的设备拥有最新信息,而且所有数据不会离开您的本地网络。
使用 1Password 内嵌的强大浏览器来访问您最重要、最敏感的网站
◆ 使用“前往并填充”来打开 1Browser 并自动登录网站。
◆ 使用自动填充菜单可以轻松访问并填充您的登录信息、身份信息以及信用卡资料。
◆ 使用标签页来同时浏览多个网站。
◆ 1Browser 使用主密码来保护您的浏览环节。
解锁 1Password 专业版可获得诸多额外功能:
◆ 多个保险库和共享保险库。
- 与团队成员安全协作
- 与全家人共享强密码
- 自动同步保证所有人的资料同步
◆ 如驾照、护照等诸多额外类别。
◆ 使用文件夹来整理数据,亦可按标签分类浏览。
◆ 可为项目添加如多个 URL、自定义栏位和安全笔记等多种自定义设置。
◆ 获得苹果官方 “Apps for Getting Things Done” 指南推荐。
◆ 被评选为 Business Insider 全球百佳应用之一。
◆ 荣获 The Mac Observer 编辑推荐奖。
◆ 入选 Macworld “App 名人堂”。
v7.10.2* Fixes an issue that prevented 1Password in Safari from working correctly.
v7.10.1### FIXED
* Fixed an issue that prevented successfully being able to migrate if you were attempting the migration in Dark mode.
* Updated 1Password in Safari.
v7.10.0[NEW] You can now use Face ID and Touch ID to unlock 1Password in Safari on iOS 16.1 or newer.
[NEW] 1Password will now redirect onepassword:// urls to 1Password 8.
v7.9.9# 1Password 7.9.9 for iOS has been released!
1Password 8 is now available! For the latest, most modern 1Password experience, search and download “1Password 8” from the App Store.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
* Due to the latest iOS16 update, biometrics have been temporarily disabled in Safari.
* Bug fixes and improvements.
v7.9.81Password 8 is now available! For the latest, most modern 1Password experience, search and download “1Password 8” from the App Store.
Today’s update fixes an issue that errantly removed the reveal contextual menu option when permissions allowed it.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
* Fixed an issue that caused the reveal contextual menu to be missing from concealed fields.
v7.9.7Today’s update improves the migration experience from standalone vaults to a 1Password Account. It also addresses an issue with account permissions.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance. :-)
If you need us you can find us at @1Password on Twitter. If you have questions or need support just pop on over to support.1password.com and we’ll point you in the right direction.
? Improved migration flow from standalone vaults to a 1Password Account.
? Logins are now properly suggested when adding to a board on kudoboard.com if you have an existing account. {!13280}
? Logins now save and fill properly on paycomonline.net. {!13184}
? Logins now save and fill on myntra.com. {!13126}
? Logins now save and fill on c1c.hu. {!12872}
? Logins are now suggested on accounts.firefox.com. {!13156}
? Logins are now suggested on radio.southcraven.org. {!13106}
? Logins are now suggested in the client number field on ing.com.au. {!13105}
? Logins are now suggested on bank.co-operativebank.co.uk. {!12970}
? Usernames now fill correctly on the French version of app.journalapetitspas.ca. {!12824}
? The Province field on homedepot.ca/checkout now fills correctly. {!13580}
? Proper inline suggestions now show and fill on the change-password page on tickets.theegg.org. {!12871}
? Suggestions for registration are now shown on account.delta.nl and ikzoekeenschoonmaakster.nl. {!13369}
? One-time passwords now fill on sso.geneveid.ch. {!13578}
? One-time passwords now fill correctly on interception.gmx.net. {!13183}
? Generated passwords now fill into both new-password fields on care.siriusxm.com. {!13182}
? Credit cards now fill appropriately on secure.purusha.org. {!13181}
? Addresses are no longer suggested in the quantity field on harvestapp.com. {!13279}
? Addresses are no longer suggested on activecampaign.com/login. {!13107}
? Addresses are no longer suggested in date fields on cerb.me. {!13102}
? Credit cards are now properly suggested on capitalmedicalclinic.myezyaccess.com. {!12860}
? Fixes an issue that resulted in the ability to copy concealed field contents without having the reveal password permission. {#5700}
v7.9.6# 1Password 7.9.6 for iOS has been released!
Today’s update brings numerous fixes to web page filling, SSH key generation in the extension, and more!
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
### NEW
* You can now delete your account directly from the app. {#5622}
* The Safari extension can now generate and save SSH Keys.
* The Safari extension's in-page lock screen has been replaced with a tooltip.
* Credit card filling on Chinese websites has been improved. {#11930}
* Improved validation of the sign-in URL used when signing into your 1Password account.
* Various fixes and improvements to the Safari Extension.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when an attachment upload completed. {#5668}
* Fixed an issue that resulted in continued requests to use Duo for two-factor authentication when you chose the cancel option. {#5002}
* Fixed an issue that prevented the all items view title from being localized. {#5641}
* Fixed issue where the change password screens appeared underneath the navigation bar. {#5649}
* Fixed an issue that caused Lock Now in Security settings to be drawn in what seemed like an inactive state. {#5634}
* Logins now save and fill on recreation.gov, portlandgeneral.com, rakuten-bank.com, cathaybk.com.tw, myfxbook.com, admin.login.bcbsfl.com, banchileinversiones.cl, artsci.washington.edu, logon.vanguard.com, nwfpwichita.pdswebpro.com, finanzonline.bmf.gv.at, pekao24.pl, secure.bge.com, and ownyourfuture.vanguard.com.
* Logins are now properly suggested on myjanney.com. {#12884}
* Suggested passwords now fill in the password confirmation field on secure.ssa.gov.
* One-time passwords now fill on app.letsdeel.com, app.cloudcraft.co, fidelity.com, schwab.com, newton.krystal.uk, accounts.binance.com, okta.com, service-now.com, and algolia.com.
* The password generator now renders correctly on touch devices.
* Broken emoji are now rendered correctly. {#5077}
* Restored the shortcuts to copy from the Password Generator and open the account selector.
* New passwords are now suggested in the sign-up flow on personalcapital.com and zendesk.com.
* Addresses are no longer suggested in the location field on Google Calendar or the ‘Extension’ field on checkout.dmws.nl.
v7.9.5Today’s update fixes an issue for iOS 12 and 13 users that caused a crash on launch.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
* Fixed a crash on launch when running on iOS 12 or 13.
v7.9.3# 1Password 7.9.3 for iOS has been released!
As a seasonal change approaches it's always a good idea to perform repair and upkeep on things like your home, vehicle, and yes, even an app protected by a lock that takes a very large key (or rather, a nice strong password).
Today's release is all about maintenance, particularly improvements for the Safari Web Extension, account migration, account sign-up, and more. A bug causing the search bar and multi-item selector to hide behind the navigation bar on the Favorites and Tags tabs has also been fixed, and deleting an item will no longer cause the app to crash.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
* Account sign-up flow improvements.
* Fixes an issue that limited Month/Year fields to date ranges 80 years in the past and 80 years in the future. {#5551}
* Fixed issue where bulk actions in the item list were hidden under the navigation bar. {#5549}
* Fixed an issue where the search field was missing from Favorites and Tags.
* Fixed an issue where there was extra padding above section headers on iOS 15.
* Fixed an issue that caused several item types to lack password history.
* Fixed an issue that caused urls in markdown to errantly gain trailing slashes.
* Fixed an issue with the standalone vault to account migration offering in settings so that it now works with all account types.
* Fixed an issue that caused multiple attachments on an item with the same name to be treated as the same file.
* Addresses now fill properly on gymbeam.sk.
* One-time passwords now fill correctly on twitter.com.
* Logins now save and fill correctly on taalsterk.anewspring.nl.
* Logins now fill and save properly on account.forusall.com.
* Passwords are now suggested in the registration form of 1password.university.
* Logins now save and fill properly on telephony-cloud.com.
* Fixed the unlock button in Safari so that it now works as expected. {#10977}
* Updated the inline credit card icons to be consistent with popup. {#10766}
v7.9.2# 1Password 7.9.2 for iOS has been released!
Today's update patches up a crash on devices running iOS 12 and iOS 13.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance. :-)
If you need us you can find us at @1Password on Twitter. If you have questions or need support just pop on over to support.1password.com and we'll point you in the right direction.
* Fixed an issue that could cause an on-launch crash on iOS 12 and iOS 13.
v7.9You can now securely share virtually any 1Password item with anyone – even if they don't use 1Password!
To get started, open the share menu and select "Share" to generate a link, specify who you want to share the item with and for how long, then send out the link however you wish. It's as simple as copy and paste, without the security risks that come from pasting sensitive info directly into chat and email.
Use it to send logins to an external contractor, share the Wi-Fi password with your visiting in-laws, or pass a Secure Note to your partner.
Happy sharing!
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance. :-)
If you need us you can find us at @1Password on Twitter. If you have questions or need support just pop on over to support.1password.com and we'll point you in the right direction.
[NEW] Adds support for external item sharing: share almost any 1Password item with specific people, or anyone with the share link.
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where notes fields would not expand in height on iPad OS. {#5514}
v7.8.3# 1Password 7.8.3 for iOS has been released!
1Password has long supported secure storage of files and photos in your vaults alongside your other items. Today we are giving you the ability to store files and photos _inside_ your other items with our newest feature: File Attachments!
Snap a photo of your license and add it to your Driver License item. Include a picture of your vaccination card with a Medical Record item. Do the same for credit cards, passports, and more!1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
### NEW
* Adds support for file attachments to all item types in your 1Password.com account.
* Fastmail aliases are now exported for use with iOS AutoFill. {#5511}
v7.8.2# 1Password 7.8.2 for iOS has been released!
Today’s update addresses a situation authorizing Dropbox integration when using multiple Dropbox accounts.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance.
We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.
* Fixed an issue that would prevent Dropbox sync from working if using multiple Dropbox accounts. {#5505}
v7.4.6 ◆添加logins更容易比曾经with a New,流线型工作流for数以百计的流行网站和服务。Pro功能得到亲二。
◆附件现在可以be deleted from the item编辑器。
◆你现在可以添加许多新类型:custom field像地址,日期,和月/年。
◆days of the week你知道有时可以混合在一起吗?好的,我们的Item details不要做了。The New布局特征禅ified白space&#8482和增强readamability&#174所以你可以找到你所需要的,甚至更快。
◆我们试图添加流电容to the item编辑器,但你要解决for a regular老日期选择器相反。
◆丰富的图标是甚至prettier,和您的%1密码更新他们如果你改变一item' url。
◆the password field硕士现在调整for the机会,这取决于你的设备的屏幕大小。
◆改变你的主密码我们的Mac,它改变了你的iOS设备。# thefuture
◆从iTunes for Windows备份同步现在可以被恢复,即使他们not in the备份文件夹。
◆the您的%1密码扩展为第三方应用程序会自动after the security现在锁超时你设置在您的%1密码。
◆新用户?从新鲜吗?屏幕for empty穹顶are now at least 20%冷却器和更有益。
◆可审计的新项目:详细视图和编辑器should work much better for our Customers with视力视野。