时间:2023/5/4 15:19:52来源:www.pc6.com作者:佚名我要评论(0)
游戏里按Ctrl+ALT+C 后输入秘籍,有部分秘籍是用在战术界面的,比如回血
iamgod - Toggles instant autocombat victory
tasman - explores the entire map
barentz - Explores and reveals the entire map
unexplore - Unexplores the map
cruijff - Toggles infinite movement
oldenbarnevelt - Gives 100,000 Imperium
rembrandt- Gives 100,000 Gold
ikbedoelalles - Unlocks all global operations
switch_tm - Switches between simultaneous and classic turns
questmaster - Toggles quests
masterskills - Unlocks all research
leeuwenhoek - Instantly finishes current research
hauer - levels up the selected stack
philips - toggles instant production
optimalprime - toggles instant operation priming
demo - unlocks all research, gives 100,000 gold, toggles instant production, and toggles instant operation priming
makevassal - Turns selected free city or player into a vassal
eendracht - Adds one fake beacon for expansion victory
eenheid - Adds max fake sectors for expansion victory
verdoemenis - Adds one fake root node for magic victory
flyingdutchman - Toggles infinite movement, grants 100,000 gold, and explores + reveals the map
huygens - Get one affinity level for each affinity, unlocks the empire progression tree before 10 turns have passed
spaargaren - Unlocks the empire progression tree before 10 turns have passed
rallythelieges - Starts the next Rally of the Lieges
engelen - Gain positive alignment in all channels
demonen - Gain negative alignment in all channels
martin - Increases the max hero cap to 999
genp.risonhero - Generates a random hero in the prison
gencrypthero - Generates a random hero in the crypt
genhero - Generate a random offmap hero
revealpersonality - Reveals the personality traits of selected AI player
warlord - Declares war on all other players
improverelation - Improves relations with the selected city
makecoop - Starts a pact of cooperation with the selected independent city or player
makeloyal - Starts a pact of loyalty with the selected independent city or player
makeintegrated - Starts a pact of integration with the selected independent city or player
makewar - Starts a war with the selected independent city or player
makeneutral - Sets diplomatic state to neutral with the selected independent city or player
makeally - Forms an alliance with the selected independent city or player
makehappy - Improves relations with the selected independent city or player
makeangry - Decreases relations with the selected independent city or player
lely - Toggles instant operations
voorhees - Toggles unlocking all non-signature hero skills
ruijter - Adds 1 copy of each hero item to the hero item store
completechapter - Completes the current research chapter
instantskills - Toggles instant research
freepop - Instantly grows the population in the selected city
medic - Heals the selected unit
victory1 - Triggers instant military victory
victory2 - Triggers instant expansion victory
victory3 - Triggers instant magic victory
victory4 - Triggers instant score victory
hein - Triggers instant score victory
defeat1 - Triggers instant leader killed defeat
defeat2 - Triggers instant throne city lost defeat
defeat3 - Triggers instant expansion defeat
defeat4 - Triggers instant magic defeat
defeat5 - Triggers instant score defeat
willem - Triggers instant score defeat
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