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最新最热下载排行拍一拍医视频v1.2.7pop fitv1.2.28咪咕善跑v6.13.5卡路里记录v1.1.0雄安宣武医院v1.0.0永慈智联v3.7.4梦回中医v1.1乐跑RunForFunv1.1.2六块腹肌appv2.7咕咚appv10.29.0MapMyRun appV8.3.2骑记官方版v6.3.2Nike Training C iPhone版v6.8.0Nike Runningv5.17.0乐动力官方版v10.1.137分钟锻炼法appV5.4.5

换一换相关推荐picooc appv4.11.3美柚v8.68.0悦跑圈appv5.40.2蜗牛睡眠appv6.7.1Keep appv7.62.0咕咚appv10.29.0优健康appv8.0.9乐动力官方版v10.1.13郁金香运动appv1.8.36大姨妈v496亲宝宝官方版v9.13.5小米运动appv6.2.1Nike Training C iPhone版v6.8.0美柚孕期appv5.1.8宝宝知道v7.2.0Feel appv3.1.5薄荷iPhone版v8.0.1悦美appV6.3.3育学园appv6.2.1宝宝树时光手机版V6.5.5MapMyRun appV8.3.2Human AppV8.5.4益动GPS appv3.2.3益动appv1.1.1

LFconnect iOS

LFconnect iOS




等级:类型:iPhone健康健美更新:2023/11/23 20:28大小:76.3M版本:v3.9.3语言:简体官网:暂无作者:Life Fitness LLCApple Watch:



为您推荐:iPhone健康健美 运动

  LFconnect app是一款专为运动的人群打造的运动数据记录软件。LFconnect app可以帮用户实时监控运动数据和情况,不管您是跑步还是骑行。并且软件还可以通过手机蓝牙连接到支持LFconnect服务的运动设备,比如:跑步机,动感单车,或者其他的。


  利用 LFconnect APP 与兼容的 Life Fitness 力健设备进行交互式操作。它可以帮助您追踪健身成果,使您进行个性化的锻炼,激发您的动力和参与热情,并在有氧器械上进行锻炼过程展示。

  在设备上将 LFconnect APP 连接至 Discover 、 Explore 或 Track+ 控制台后,您将立即被识别。连接后,您可以追踪自己的锻炼成果,并获取在 LFconnect.com 上创建的个性化锻炼计划。

LFconnectLFconnect iOS







v3.9.3We are continuously trying to make the best experience for you! In this release, you will notice some bug fixes and small improvements to the user interface.

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.9.0You can now use your Apple Watch to get Heart Rate values during your workout! Start a cardio workout and try it out.
You'll also notice improvements to the look, feel, and function of the app.

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.8.2.0This release is full of bug fixes and performance improvements in order to provide you with the best workout tracker possible.
Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.8.1.10We are continuously trying to make the best experience for you!
In this release, you will notice some small improvements to the user interface.

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.8.1We are continuously trying to make the best experience for you!
In this release, you will notice some small improvements to the user interface.

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.8.0* Bug fixes and performance improvements
* Improved Powermill workout metrics
* Improved connecting to Apple Health
Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.7.0? 修复了目标显示不正确的错误
? 纠正了户外跑步期间的卡路里计算
? 改进了锻炼的编辑和保存
? 其他稳定性改进
v3.6.2Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.6.1? Bug fixes and performance improvements

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.6.0? Added more OnDemand Coached Videos!
? Improved connectivity and login success
? Increased number of languages supported

Love the app? Tell us in the reviews section! We read every review.
v3.5.0* Redesigned lighter home screen
* Various bug fixes and improvements
v3.4.0Version 3.4:
* Support Cybex Ion series and more Axiom series machines
* Log custom strength and cardio activity
* Various improvements and bug fixes

Previous updates:
* Set weekly goals for calories, distance and time
* Support Life Fitness promo codes
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v3.3.1Version 3.3.1:
* Various bug fixes and improvements
* Set weekly goals for calories, distance and time
* Support Life Fitness promo codes

Previous updates:
* Updated user interface
* Login with Facebook
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v3.3.0Version 3.3.0:
* Set weekly goals for calories, distance and time
* Support Life Fitness promo codes

Previous updates:
* Updated user interface
* Login with Facebook
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v3.2.0Version 3.2.0:
Various bug fixes and improvements

Previous updates:
* Log custom strength and cardio activity
* Updated user interface
* Login with Facebook and Apple ID
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v3.1.0Version 3.1.0:
* Log custom strength and cardio activity
* Track Connect bluetooth connectivity fixes
* Various bug fixes and improvements

Previous updates:
* Updated user interface
* Login with Facebook and Apple ID
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v3.0.1Version 3.0.1:
* reset password bug fix
* strength calorie calculation correction
* support number input with comma
* various bug fixes and improvements

Previous updates:
* Updated user interface
* Login with Facebook and Apple ID
* PREMIUM - English-only audio and video coaching, with 14-day free trial
v2.32.0Version 2.32:
Integrity SL Console support

Previous updates:
* Support Axiom Series strength and workout results from ICG bikes
* Ability to create interval workout in Workout Library for supported Life Fitness consoles
* Discover SE3/SE3HD, Track Connect, Explore? Console, Connect Module and Rower GX support

LFconnect iOS相关版本





LFconnect iOS类型:iPhone健康健美




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同类热门picooc appv4.11.3美柚v8.68.0悦跑圈appv5.40.2蜗牛睡眠appv6.7.1Keep appv7.62.0咕咚appv10.29.0优健康appv8.0.9



LFconnect iOS v2.27.2